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Everything posted by somberlaine
Hi, Didn't want to waste space so I thought I'd add on my chain-related topic here. (Not trying to take your thread away from you!) Basically there have been complicatoins in trying to run a 1/8 chain (don't ask) so I must use a 3/32 chain. Want to get a KMC Kool one. But I am paranoid about these thin ones snapping so, on average, how often should I replace my chain? I know it depends on how much you ride, and weight etc... but just think that I weight 75kg and ride for about 3 hours a week and give a rough estimate (I won't hold you to it so don't worry.) Thanks, and sorry if this is in the wrong place, just slap me) Michael
Unlucky....we have 22mbs here so it only took me about 9 mins. The main guy (the one with the 20 inch koxx with red stickers) was pretty damn good. Lots of big stuff there, especially liking that slomo at the start where he does a rolling gap up about 5 deep stairs.
ok cheers dudes. Lucky for me I have been trained in the ways of the ninja so they won't see me coming. now all i need is someone with a van. Balaclava on stand by.....
Short and sweet one here; basically I need some crates! They are mental fun to have in your garden and great for a quick 30 min blitz every night without having to go in to town and get mugged. So what's the deal? I see everyone having them in their graden on their videos. Should I just drive around trying to find some building site and then nick them under the cover of darkness or what? Ideas/crates appreciated! Michael
If you ride reading uni let me know, I go to uni there. Michael p.s. yes, don't tell anyone abourt the wooden spot! a.k.a. 'The Secret Garden'
Cheers Janson. Can I be an Uber spazz and double check something: I have ridden my brand new king for about 25 hours and now it is starting to skip. Apparently this is totally normal and I was told to just give it a quick service (i.e. service all parts of hub which are accessible when you don't have the king tool). But now I seem to remember someone saying that I will also need to tighten the cones up or soemthing (don't remember what the part of the hub was called) Will I need any new fangled instruments to do this? Michael
Sam, are you saying that your 'ten easy tips' thing was a method for doing a full service on your king without the use of those expensive tools usually needed? If wd40 the only grease i can use, I have a tub of..what can only be described as industrial grease - would that do just as well? You may have saved me £60 or more on a tool! (if so then thanks a million) Michael
If you are switching too, then maybe this is some sort of new trend (officially started by me) for stock riders to turn mod. It'll be like mods and rockers all over again.... So have you ridden mod before? Michael
Yes, I am talking about long mod bikes. Basically I'm asking what areas of riding are/can be improved by switching from a short mod to a long mod. Michael
Also, if you are saying a short bike would be best, why do people get long ones? (sorry for doubling up on a post )
Stay away from the dark side!!!! I'm surprised that with all this mod-bashing, there aren't any mod riders giving the 'other side of the coin', so to speak. Ok, so what about cost - is it me or is 20" much cheaper? (I'm a poor student.)
"I would say stick with 26" if your riding street, I find trhem are much more suited to it, or maybe even get a 24"? they are awesome!! for street riding a mod would be my last choice!!" I'm not a very streety rider though - I'm not really into manuals and hitting things with speed like, say, akrigg does. It's just that everything just seemed so much nicer and more natural on 20". As soon as I got on it, I could do almost everything I could on my 26" only it was easier!
Just read your comments and thank you very much to the both of you for your help; I now know what to look for and will hopefully be purchasing a 20" any day now!!!!! So I need to be looking for a short wheelbase frame with high bb rise and high rise stem. Does anyone else want to contest this? You mentioned that gaps and rails are harder to do on a 20". This is odd because I found gaps easier on my freinds 20"!!! And how much harder are rails then?? Michael
Hey all, My friend has started trials again and today got his T-Pro. I currently ride a pashley 26mhz, tried his and what can I say.... it was amazing!!!!! All I can think about now is getting a 20", but I don't really know about the frames. I am at a reasonable standard (7ft gaps, bunny hop up to waist height). Their are two questions that I would like to know; 1) What are the advantages/disadvantages of riding 20" to 26" 2) Within the 20" category, how will the differences in wheelbase length, bottom bracket height and general frame geometry effect the feel of the bike? When answering please bear in mind that I only ride street and am looking for a bike that mainly helps me do: gaps, bunny hops, bunny hops to rear wheel, and maybe tyre taps. And then any recommendations for frames/complete bikes. I am now looking to buy and possibly have around £350 to spend on a second hand bike. May spend a bit more if it's worth it. (The information you provide will help me decide which mod to buy in the for sale section of this forum!) Thanks to all who reply, Michael
L-lovely...... It's always nice to know the size of someone's wang whom you're doing business with. p.s. when to use whom and when to use who?!?!?! lol.
AHHHHHHHHH. Ofcourse, the Koxx days thingy. OK, thanks guys for that. Sorry I ever doubted you IOLO!!!
For some reason I have a sneaky suspicion that this sort of post is not allowed and will be taken down, which is totally fine and I apologise if I was not allowed to do this. :$ But I just wanted to know if anyone knew where IOLO is because I need to get in contact with him and can't. All I know is that he uses this site so I though maybe a post would help. I understand that firstly, IOLO may not want everyone on the forum to know where he is and that maybe you don't want to tell me incase it angers IOLO. If you do know where he is and do not mind telling me then please PM me. Don't worry it's nothing too serrious...I'm not a debt collector or anything!!! Thanks all and sorry if this is a 'naughty' post. Michael
Yeah, getting a rear disc would definately be a last resort, lol; the fact that my preferred currency at the moment is Tesco computer-for-schools-vouchers shows you just how poor I am So just to double check, is it possible then to have new v-brake mounts re-welded bake onto the rear of my frame? Michael
Hi again, thanks very much for all of your help and particularly to 'trialsmad' for offering those free braze-ons. I heard similar stories about braze-ons meaning your pads are too far apart. My rim is a rhyno mammoth XL - is this wide enough to counteract this problem? I may get back to you on those braze-ons, 'trialsmad',but for now I shall look for the 'traditional' lug. Thanks again and I'll keep you posted! Michael
Hi all, It's been a while since I last posted here but I figured someone may have some sage advice for me. Basically, I have a Pashley 26 MHz (old skewl, I know) and the right hand side magura mount on the rear of my frame has snapped off. So what are my options? Is there any place from which I can order in a new brake mount and get it welded on or does this mean getting a new frame? (I can do the welding myself so that part shouldn't be a problem). I'm poor and love my Pash so don't really want to go down this route if I can avoid it. Cheers for your help, Michael.
Trek?!?!?!?!? It's all downhill! You youngsters don;'t know the meaning of hardwork etc... in my day etc.. (just kidding - but thanks for the advice! I had no idea that there was a station 2 mins away from the campus; you learn something new everyday.) So if you guys are meeting at the station what sort of time should I be at the Hex for? Michael
I'll be there for the Sunday ride. I do not know where the station is and I'll prob just park at my halls of residence by the university. So if I could find out what your first riding spot is then I oculd meet you all there....?? Michael
cheers for all the replies guys, the chain is the right way up and ALL links are smooth as a babies bum. I think it must be a stiff link when under pressure so like onzaboy said it just needs riding in. I hvae already done 3 hours and it is a little better but then ill be riding home and it got really bad - i.e. chain suck after every 2 crank turns. And I don't think the washers need to be taken out because they are there to stop the chain from rubbing on the bash guard. I'm officially stumped so I'll leave it to fate and some bedding in to help solve the problem.
The chain and ring and sprockets are all brand new. I have filed off the inner side of my bashguard as after years of use the surface has several scrathes and notches that the chain may catch on. Ohter than that I will just ride the bike gently for a bit in order to strech and loosen the chain out. Perhaps I will have to put some more washers betwen the from ring and my bashgurad. But i already have two on each nut and they aren't the longest nuts in the world. And my local fasteners shop says that the thread is very fine on them and she doesn't have any slightly longer bolts in that diameter with a thread that fine. to be continued......
My situation is this; I am running middleburn rs7 with a pro trials bashring, 20 tooth onza ring and then ony 3 sprockets in the rear (17th/15th/13th), with some spacers. since the kmc k710 chain that i run is quite wide i have had to bodge my rear mech with washers and also put more washers between my front ring and bash guard to stop the chain touching the bashguard. there is a possibility that my dura ace rear mech (9spd) is slightly bent (i dont know how you tell, the bend may be very subtle) and i hvae been running a king rear classic hub for about 3 weeks now with not much riding been done on it. After doing all this over the past day or so and giving the bike a go, i am now experiencing major chain suck, both where the chain 'enters' the front ring at the bottom and then 'exits' at the top. I am guessing that I could still need some more washers between the front ring and the bashguard, since the gap between the two parts is still tiny and i thought that maybe the pins of the chain are touching the guard and so somehow having trouble being released from the ring. And/or that my king hub needs a service now And/or that it is something to do with possibly having a slightly bent mech. my knowledge of bikes is fairly primative (but im learning!) so this may be something really obvious. Are these three things mentioned al possiblities as to the cause of my problems or can any be dismissed? recommendations? Cheers all, Michael