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Everything posted by Simpson

  1. Bloody Hell the kid is a tank! Great riding!
  2. Course you can.... but just most riders decide to stick to sidehops.
  3. Spec, Pics, Year, Condition?
  4. I was gonna say 1am.... train hopping time.
  5. And Dan KO made and produced the KO, so i dunno why he wouldn't globally distribute
  6. Natural Trials sections in guessing? More infomation / proposed plans would be nice.
  7. 2 rides down and I've already lost 2 pins on 1 pedal.... But still they look swish, are light, and cheap
  8. Na I mean i used to do a lot of the London rides, if anyone wants me to plan one hit me up. Gotta be a lotta people who wanna do it. not like a stupidly big ride just a sesh.
  9. My old A3 eh, never realised you had that!
  10. sstein you coming or what? See all you guys there at 11.30 ish
  11. Isn't that why Hope had to stop offering a free service?
  12. Me and Gayher are in. And were trying to force Skoze to attend.
  13. About £10 in all honesty, I sold a T-Pro 2004 with dual maggies for £150 so doubt your going to get any where near that, if someone offers that to you bite off their hand.
  14. http://www.ticketmaster.co.uk/event/1F0041...5665?brand=nass YAR, nobody better be pulling out or i WILL kick you all dead hard.
  15. Haha I remeber that like it was yesterday, time just seems to have flown past so so fast! Nobody can grow into these size teeth, there HOOOGE
  16. Dugg it out this morning from about 5-6 years ago... all the good times Trials-Forum Video -> Full View • Download • Upload Comment away
  17. Thing is Jack your a solid lil rider and i do think your only gonna get better but why oh why with all this vid shit?
  18. First 15 seconds… dirt… dirt… dirt…. Shitty shade to rim Zoom out… up down up down bike random kid shitting by it WOW look its an Echo stem!! WOOP WOOP This is 29 seconds into a 2.29 video and you have showed me f**k all… if your going to be all artistic and shit do it better, and it only really works on feature length vids anyway Shitty small sidehop to rear… too many hops didn’t land…. Why put it in? On off up a small bank… fake frenchie… Same move… different angle… slow mo… why? Sloooooooooooow mo again…. Don’t over use it. / Don’t use it Same sidehop as the 1st hop… why… then load of gay hopping and a failed gap… if your going to put it in your video... and spend time editing… make sure you make a line of least!!! Then on loads of black screen. Without being dead offensive, take it in a more positive way, why would anyone watch it... what have you done differently? what lines have you made? how creative have you been? how much time and effort has gone into it? how smooth does the riding look? How much of your flair has gone into it? What does the atmospehre look like? (these arn't like "don't bother making a vid if your not amazing comments" someone can be a shit rider and still made a good video if their being smooth creative and happy when riding) Answer those questions about your own video, and see why no body will bother watching or commenting your vid.
  19. I recomend you don't, for your style of riding. aka good
  20. Because hes a fat b*****d? Would attend if I hadn't been off work for the last 2 days ill.
  21. Oh yea because theives ALWAYS keep the bike as a complete...
  22. Shitting hell Sam asif that bad boy got nicked, I'll deffo keep an eye out, any real distinctive things about the bike that would reassure me it was your before i put someones teeth through?
  23. 12 hours awake without a fag... damm you swollen throat an tonsils.
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