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Everything posted by Simpson

  1. £20 petrol. 2 pot noodles a day = £18. £62 booze.
  2. £100inc everything. Just found out I get my A-level results on the Friday lol opppppppppps, oh well fingers crossed should be a celebration tour.
  3. How much does 15 acres of land cost now-a-days? Pluss insurance, plus all the building work that needs doing, plus all the planning permission that you need, etc etc. wont be far off £1,000,000 i would imagine.
  4. HAHAHAHA JOE MAHER, i request the video
  5. Simpson

    Brake Booster

    It will be fine 2 of my Rb's have bent to f**k, but they are still add rigidity to the frame in the direction that they need to. Frame flex isn't a massive biggie unless you have a shit frame.
  6. TECHNICALLY he didn't buy the last pair (let the guessing game begin) And yea as I've said for years best 3 pads, phats, HS reds and rimjam v3's. Nothing better than those, haven't heard great things about the yellows, but I've run my phat pads for 6 months with no sign of wear, so im happy enough lol
  7. I would create one and just auto reply :man the f**k up:
  8. Ok.... ever seen a 15 acre riding area? 15 acre = 60702.846 m²
  10. I was gonna say £100, but I don't have £100 to lose so deleted one of the zeros lol
  11. The old spec rode pretty well to be honest, I liked it.
  12. If you do it up to front in the next month ill give you £10.
  13. Also who pays to ride a skatepark? We have 1 small one round here which is always empty, due to 4-5 local parks which are free. If you think your going to persuade a hard nosed business man to invest then you need to massivly scale down your project, think about profits, break even analysis's, maybe make a USP of it being inside so your almost guarenteed to have riders paying to ride when its raining (which is a lot of the time) and parents paying to know that their kids are safe etc. And you really need to get the location right. Why are you trying to get 3 totally different riding disciplines in the same place as well? If you come to ride BMX you will ride the skateparks and BMX track, if you come to ride trials you will most likley only ride the trials rig, and DH riders will only ride the downhill... finding 15 acres cheap, in a place where there are a lot of people to come and ride??? your mad. Sounds 1000X less plausible than my business studies CW where I made half the shit up. (just to clear up my CW was 10+ A4 pages long, with break even analysis, ballance sheets, monthly forecasts to calculate the liquidity of the business, design and planning costings, analysis of opportunity cost....... etc. I re-drafted this about 10 times fully. You have put up 3 poorly spelt / arranged infomation which is very dissapointing for me. Seeing as my CW was only about setting up a tiny sandwhich shop and your planning to design and build a multi million pound project, on no technical basis)
  14. We didn't crash or anything, just had a wake up call I won't forget lol
  15. So stoked about this, glad in 2nd on the list also does that make me special? Only thing I really am quite worryed about is the driving now, after Nass had an incident on the motorway which really shit me up and made us realise how carefull the drivers are going to have to be, making sure to get plently of sleep and not being over the drink drive limit. I don't want to be a bore, but I don't wanna put anyone at risk.
  16. Yes it is, most skate parks are like what 100m-100m? I don't think you know what your talking about too much and if you secure private finantial backing then I think that they are all mad. You have some very nice ideas but you don't seem to have thought enough about who your target consumer really is. As for changing bus routes etc. your mad, have you looked into the finantial costings of doing this? And if your aiming at DH and BMX riders then they can't take bikes on the buses etc. Also by your grammer you don't really sound at all proffessional about it, I'm very doubtfull to say ther least, but hey prove me wrong.
  17. Your avatar beggs to differ... and I should know! I love all size tits as long as there all natural and cute. Fake or wierd nipples = no
  18. Ill take bets on Fatty being over half an hour late like he has been the last 6 or so times i picked him up... him posting at 2.27 isnt promising.
  19. YESSSSSSSS MIKE Bring some of that home grown again
  20. atm about........ 30 hours a week easy.
  21. Ok I quit Drum, that shit tastes buff, but is dead raw, had me hucking blood and greenies all day.
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