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Everything posted by Simpson

  1. Nope everyone in essex knows you can just push a discarded bottle cap up there.# Effective I tell thee.
  2. May I suggest no hops
  3. Thats arround 41.7", max i've done is 43" but thats bunnyhop to 2 wheels up pallets on the flat. I don't like going over things lol
  4. Gives you a problem with freehubs and BB's though?
  5. Simpson

    Crazy Bmxer

    Most BMX vids I just think shiiiiiiiit, long techy lines that I can appriciate, nothing but the 360 over the fence appealed to me. And i have no interest in doing it off massive stuff to be honest. Not my style.
  6. tmi. Apart from a ruptured spleen which nearly killed me, trials hasn't done me any major harm.
  7. Am I the only 1 who would take a slip of 99.99% of substances which wouldn't kill me for £100? Despise my morals.
  8. Simpson

    Crazy Bmxer

    I thought that vid put BMX to shame.
  9. Simpson

    Crazy Bmxer

    I hated that, the only thing i liked was the 360 out of the bowl to over the fence that was a sick line, other than that is was pretty fundamental bmx moves done at full speed, with no control what-so-ever. Also him not wearing a lid considering all his bails is just pure stupid, not ballsy. I can grind, I can manual, I can 360 and i can bunnyhop, it doesn't make him a good rider because he does it off massive shit.
  10. Staying on the backwheel rules me out!
  11. Well if i were to sell my 24" inspired I would ask about £650 for it, its not f/s though but you can get a lot of bike 2nd hand for £650 the problem is the bikes are so good no-one wants to give them up!
  12. No pics in sigs mate.
  13. I know its sad to say, but being straight edge would ruin my life, my whole social scence, me ever getting a girl etc.
  14. When you wake up in the morning naked, faced with a dressed girl saying she wants a lift to work, when you know she was sober that night and have no clue what happened is disturbing.
  15. Wierd, JD gives me the best warm, tingly drunk and just makes me really chatty and happy. Only been drunk on it 2ce because I'm a tight mother fooker, I genrally stick to drinking just pints of strongbow on nights out now, as the club I go to most sell it as a pint, tip top value for money and I find my behaviour fairly predictable, I will dance, go mad, strip etc. but still be in control. Straight vodka gets me mad Im quite particualar in what I drink, I have never enjoyed the taste of beer so never drink it, when it comes to drinking games I always say, "look guys I can't do this I'll be sick because I hate the taste" Then they all call me a pussy and that I should take one for the team so i do it and everytime but 1 have ended up being sick, so I guess that kinda reinforces me to hate beer. Cant drink bulmers or magners either, really only strongbow as a pint in a pub. But I'll drink most shots / shorts, exculding sambuca, because of a very very messy night out, which ended in me being raped by a girl.
  16. Been playing poker for 8 solid hours, used over a tonne, and ended up 10quid up..... not ammused right now. night GUYZ
  17. I did a cerb comp http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....183&hl=cerb
  18. We wont stay in london, we will stay in Southend, and ill put as many people as i possibly can, about 8 inside, then the rest of you should just chuck your tents in, should be reet, I'll try an pay my parents to go away.
  19. Yea same with OBM and Mr. Plod, PCSO's are a total waste of space and will try to fine / rape you for any minor riding offence because they don't have powers to actually do anything about people doing real crimes! I will confess that I *alledgedly* ran from a PCSO who was trying to give me a £40 fine for riding down Basildon high street when it was a "no riding zone" I politley pointed out to her that there were so signs or road markings which would have let me know, then she started getting really really shitty with me, so considering she was 18+ stone, alone, and being a dick I decided to take advantage. *i did write out a load of shit about always the people who don't cause trouble getting punished, but ill just link you to loads of arguments about middle class, working people who are the most discriminated against www.dailymail.co.uk*
  20. Well it boiled down to a choice, put 2 washers in the front brake and set it up... or take it off... I took the easier option.
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