Wierd, JD gives me the best warm, tingly drunk and just makes me really chatty and happy. Only been drunk on it 2ce because I'm a tight mother fooker, I genrally stick to drinking just pints of strongbow on nights out now, as the club I go to most sell it as a pint, tip top value for money and I find my behaviour fairly predictable, I will dance, go mad, strip etc. but still be in control. Straight vodka gets me mad Im quite particualar in what I drink, I have never enjoyed the taste of beer so never drink it, when it comes to drinking games I always say, "look guys I can't do this I'll be sick because I hate the taste" Then they all call me a pussy and that I should take one for the team so i do it and everytime but 1 have ended up being sick, so I guess that kinda reinforces me to hate beer. Cant drink bulmers or magners either, really only strongbow as a pint in a pub. But I'll drink most shots / shorts, exculding sambuca, because of a very very messy night out, which ended in me being raped by a girl.