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Everything posted by Simpson

  1. I will be somewhere, not southend though.
  2. The station is as good a place as any, but sorry I'm not in the area, but it has a few good warm up spots round by the station.
  3. I may be being really narrow minded and get shouted at for this but my opinion is "its only trials", its not an Olympic Sport, the public in the UK don't care who win these events, thats if they even know what trials is in the first place. I mean I read / watch trials daily and even I don't have a clue who won the last world round... or who's the best at my local competitions, or whos #1 in the world or how well our boys have been doing. All mainly because in the UK we care almost only about street riding. This isn't a dig at anyone soley, trials isn't big enough for Tarty to start paying people to fly all over the world, they may give you a free frame, and trade on parts but there not going to pay thousands to ship them round the world. Its a shame but its the facts.
  4. I'm quite happy for you to take someone out my car if you want, so i can lowe off the rack as well
  5. YES I need a dual disk inspired, all the good brake set ups on the inspired have worked fine but been way too noisy for anything to look smooth, like little drags on manuals just sound like a screaming duck. I disagree with Ali on the carbon front, as prices are only going up? I think air sprung frames could sap power if not used propperly and dont think it will catch on.
  6. John (not on the forum) is planning on getting a mini bus if he can get the time off work, so ill cross your fingers
  7. Haha I pretty like it, Ill get one 4th hand in 7 years when its affordable.
  8. I'll step up onto Anzo's side and without being overly deep as a kid my parents wern't afraid to give me a smack if I was in the wrong and I totally support it, I think in the most part it wasn't the pain that ever made me cry but the sheer embarasment of it happening. My parents were very good parents and as a kid I always pushed the limits, and the smack was the last resort to remind me of my place. I was only ever really smacked for lying (because my mum hated it) and really bad stuff. However I must admit (i really don't know how to say it because its not that im asking for sympathy of attention or anything like that) but I can think of a 1 or 2 occassions where maybe it wasn't innocent smacking but domestic abuse. But IMO that was fine because I really needed that to keep me on the straight and narrow.
  9. They brought shit tatty cars, and they performed like shit tacky cars. They didn't say all classic cars are dog shit, in fact to quote Jeremy Clarkson, *goes through the whole recorded episode* "I've seen more cars here than I've wanted to own today", hardly totally negitive.
  10. Why its your bike... why would you want it to be "standard" try an be a bit original.
  11. yep I've got a few mates like it, there great to look at but all conversation is very painfull and they end up laughing / giggling at pretty much anything you say even if your not joking.... I don't think it was too much of a lie, because I know of least 3 people who would have acted in exactly the same way, but im from essex so i guess you expect that from most girls. And Jarrod shut up bitching.
  12. His bike rides like a bunch of rusty nails, and his brakes never work.
  13. Mechanics gloves, black warm, sticky on the bottoms... free... full of win But who wears gloves now-a-days?
  14. Don't let Luke anywhere near your brakes if you like your face
  15. Ever stood by a speed camera late at night with a camera flash? No? just me then EDIT: On a more constructive note, if you wern't speeding there wont be a problem. On a side note, my friend hasn't received anything yet *fingers crossed*
  16. Yea I could I suppose, I don't think I'd trust anyone else in the area to do it! Im going ot be at the elms at about half 5 if you wanna meet me there.
  17. They don't look that rounded. Get 2 people, 1 person lean on the flat headed screwdrive on the bolt, and get the other person to use an adjustable spanner to get more leverage on the screwdriver and get him to turn it. It will work peice of piss.
  18. At the start I was like argggggg..... 5min vid this is going to be boring as hell, so put it on full screen and when it ended I was really upset and it all seemed to happen too quickly! Loved the vid, the music the lines the natural. TIP TOP
  19. Stop saying Southend Hospital JUST because its next to you. Your lounge is a better place to learn to pedal hop, JEZUS. I would come out tonight, but I'm going to be wayyy too drunkerd to ride.
  20. Na economys of scale will always be the same. I hope braking improves for sure, a brake you can put on and will work for everyone.
  21. She was f**king repulsive the dumb bitch. People who think they can live being that stupid wind me up.
  22. I did this a while back Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
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