Froggy, do it.... don't question it or you just won't be as natural, she clearly looks older if you were that into her. Simpson update: On Monday this girl came round (girl A) who I've liked for a while at about 1ish, we just chatted and had loads of banter and play fights, then settled down to watch a film and got all snuggly, and 1 thing lead to another....... So we grabbed some dinner and headed back to hers pre-lashed at hers with others, when clubbing and ended up back at her gaff. Just like lying with her, kissing her, and being together just feels so so natural. In the morning I sang "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS..... what comes after S?" so she was like "T?".... i was like yea milk and 1 sugar please love!, she then lent over me and said, "you do realise I'm the worst girlfriend in the world when im hungover!" then kissed me, I was like , "What so your my girlfriend now?" and she was like yea.... I mean I don't regret it cos shes fit, got a great body an everything, but were both going uni... her to lester, like 2 hours north, and me pompey 2 hours south....... wev'e both "agreed?!?!" maybe that we don't want to be taken our 1st term in uni, so maybe heading towards an open relationship or summink? But yea she left mine at 2am this morning so we spent like 37hours in each others company wierd. ptch, im mildly ammused / confussed LOLZ