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Everything posted by Simpson

  1. "- The lockring is a right hand thread helping it to not self-loosen when used on crank arms, a common problem found on most other freewheels." So clockwise to undo... yarrrr
  2. hahaha all jokes, you could just get a big bushy beard and go as beardyman that would be jokes! Just you wait, I'll post a pic up of thursday night, 300 theme party Spangly PVC gold hot pants - check. Red cape - Check Fake big abs - Check To do: Make swords and sheilds for all using a old bike box, gaffa tape and gold spray paint... hmmmm
  3. Do you mean a little roll up onto the back wheel... or just getting onto the back wheel to hop... I read it propperly and wasn't clear, cos' i can't help if you don't put enough detail in...
  4. No way and I think that 9/10 of those people who put yes wouldn't do it in a million years. I usually get with girls through "in's" like friend of a friend or whatever, which is why i don't do amazingly in clubs and shit like that, because I'm a great talker, not a great dancer lol
  5. Yea.. and those rolling gaps are great without bite....
  6. I'm off my breasticcles, put bare money on my card, dreading the morning, tis all good..... hahahahahahah 20 mins till my pizza is done, an got bare people relying on me to be a living legebd, i wont let them down
  7. Bristol and London are miles apart... be more specific.
  8. if you think your getting much more than £100 for that your twisted.
  9. me foot'whipping about 30 secs in just run a bit longer that standard hoses and your good for 1 spin.
  10. Bateson represent, aka the arm pit of pompey.
  11. Got a ride tommorow (if the weather picks up) but i know i wont get to sleep till like 5. Also left my speakers over at the girls so im sat in scilence.
  12. Leave your foot on what? If your talking about a FOOT JAM tailwhip then its VERY different to a tailwhip lol and if your wheels bents when footjam whipping your a tard.
  13. Anyone fancy chucking up their numbers for me cos' ill probs be late due to transportation issues.
  14. i had the manual dream just before i started nailing them! speed helps... a lot. edit: my advise would be make sure that your balls of your feel are on the pedals, as you use your heels a lot.
  15. Its not true, he just somehow presses the trigger half a second before any other human would react lol Same, seemed a bit too easy on harderned, so going to give veteran a bash, trying to do all the special ops missions on veteran now. And WTF, do i have to persist online to get up to level 19 to play hardcore? TDM is a joke the ammount of life you get.
  16. Achey wrists are pretty standard, because on a trials bike your weight lies a lot further over the front of the bike than any other non-trials bike. At 5'10 your not massive for a mod, I'm 6 foot and have ridden loads of short frames, (monty ti 07, 05, adamant short X2, Koxx XTP 05 short and probably a few others) I found them a tad uncomfortable but liked how they rode, best for you to nabb other people bikes on a ride try it out, if your dead into TGS i would suggest getting a barge, I loved the 2 KO MK1 longs I had, and love the feel of the older Pythons like the baby pitbull is perfect!
  17. How does it feel? You can kinda answer the quesiton for youself only. If you feel cramped and get back pains then yea it probably is too small if not dw. Getting a stock is a totally different kettle of fish.
  18. 20 euros is a bargin for the ammount of pleasure that would give me.
  19. leave it outside in the rain
  20. On the subject of degrees, since being at uni I've realised that there are a wide spectrum of courses. I'm taking maths for finance and managment, which is a straight up maths course with some varying modules in the 2nd and 3rd years which make it more applicible to business using real life forecasting methords etc. I really do think that this will help me in my future to get a job, promotion more money, better living etc. I have 20+ hours a week lecture / tutorial time, and about that again which I have to do at home in terms of assignments / course work etc. Whereas there is a girl in my flat paying exactly the same ammount to be here as me to study films, she does 4 hours a week and does nothing, because she doesn't need to do it for her course. Which I don't think is going to benifit her at all in the future.
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