In ways yes, in ways no. I do belive that those who work the hardest in the UK are those who are punished most. Were coming into a system where those who do f**k all are the ones who benfit most living in the UK. Like in the US if you don't work you don't eat fact, and I feel as if kids grew up knowing this their perspectives on work ethic and standards would rocket, in our current system those who get into trouble at school, maybe spend a bit of time in the pen come out and are "rewarded" with hostels.... whereas everyone else pays out the ass for where they live.
Its taken for granted that you can do f**k all, get someone pregnant, get your council flat and live off of all the allowances. I belive that there should be some NHS in force, but that private helath care for all those employeed is the way forwards, I belive the only way that the UK can cut back on budget suggestions is to make darastic change, but this will never happen because no party is stupid enough to make the changes and upset all the people who live off of benifits. I think that education and all forces should be run by the government but I think that everything out is pretty minor because it doesn't affect hard working people day to day.
This isn't some natzi'ish comment of "let all the poor people who don't have jobs die" it is a, if you give them a reason to work then they might f**king have to comment. However I say this on the internet its going to make me sound like a bit of a middle class douche, thats not the case both my parents work their f**king asses off in underpayed jobs to put us where we are atm.