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Everything posted by Simpson

  1. Simpson

    Doing Your Mom

    Big man points there.
  2. Basically I've noticed a fair amount of chat on the internetz and a little bit on here about the, "new extacy" club drug which has hit the UK massively particually in the D&B scene, the thing about the drug is though because it is "legal" its getting more and more mainstream. I'm going to be 100% honest and say I've done it a few times, but got a random nose bleed 2 days after taking it one time so totally stopped taking it now, but the times I have taken it its been amazing. Just wondering what peoples thoughts and opinions are on here?
  3. Not eating first is just a really bad idea, at uni I generally only bother having dinner, but if I know im drinking I'll of least try to fit some lunch and a couple of snacks in before. The main reason I do that is because if I drink on an empty stomach I peak too early, because if I'm out with the lads on a night out I will drink, give or take 8-12 pints, but I'll still try to do the same amount on an empty stomach which is just a messy idea, you get drunk too quick. Also when I drink on an empty stomach I find I get more bloated because if you don't eat before your stomach isn't expanded.
  4. I think the funniest thing I remember from my crash was the thought to myself, sometimes I get slow motion... but I can remember thinking to myself in the split second whilst skidding sideways towards the lamp post after spinning out at about 65, "shall I put the brakes on?" hmm "na not really much point I'm skidding sideways, I doubt pressing the brakes is going to help", Just before I hit the cerb and want airbourne into the post lol Oh yea and truth about insurance, I took my plates off, fixed 1 of the punctures and drove over a mile home with an unattached rear axel lol
  5. To be fair anyone can show you pictures of their bad crashes, but until youv'e been there done that your never going to learn your lesson. I wrote off a car 3 months after driving, 3am, 4 mates in the car. Lets say my attitude towards dicky driving has changed hugely.
  6. Ah been watching all the old school Essex films, Essex boys, Rise of the foot soilder etc.... so feeling really pumped atm! not helping with my non sleep!
  7. Errrr yayer Im up, been out the last 2 nights on the lash so havent been going to bed till like 4-5.... my time clock is so f**ked up.
  8. Right to cut things short, im kinda with a girl. but another girl I've always liked was onit tonihght and I turned her down, and ended up in bed with rachel who's like a younger sister to me totoally cotch watching open season good times!
  9. chat roulette... you may get lucky?
  10. Hahaha that was utter jokes, its aright though over Christmas my mate got pissed off and punched the dickhead bouncer in the face lol apparently we all got barred for it. lol
  11. If neither of those work surely your f**ked? There the only 2 I would ever use... Whats wrong with uni net?
  12. [quote name=Nick pyke ' date='11 March 2010 - 12:20 AM' timestamp='1268266858' post='2097285] Mayhem on a friday night.. no chance jack
  13. Buy a new bike, with a bike like that you just have to keep it running, short of a full re-spec your not going to get a light good riding bike. Sorry for being blunt... just true Being light costs $$$ and breaks more, not a great idea if your strapped for cash, buy 2nd hand heavy duty parts.
  14. Where are you planning on going jack? You can forget it with pretty much every club in southend now, they have card reader machines now which blow up the picture on the card super large, and contains all the details... And knowing you I find this kinda topic utter jokes.
  15. Yep, the most expensive place to drink in the EU apparently. ie. guiness tour was like £35ph?
  16. Chrome. so clean and can just type all your searches straight into the task bar so its so little hasstle.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xn33dxReD24
  18. 16/12 still too light though.
  19. Seeing as its a nice park, in the middle of no-where, in a shit part of town..... yes imagine!
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