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Everything posted by Simpson

  1. Jack Chinnery starting the "trials forum is dead topic" And then posting "If you don't like the way the forum is ran, who runs it and who the sm's are. f**k off over to 4chan." RIIIIIIIGGGHT
  2. Short term bodge for a ride, fine. Actually considering it a fix... not.
  3. Your a dick... for that split second, I mean the tinyest part of a second before my brain kicked in I belived you...
  4. Doesn't matter for us ash, we will always pay 3.5k. I won't vote, its all bollocks, I maintain the right to complain about it though. There all scamming, cheating cunts, just because they can "legally" house switch, doesn't mean that they morally should.
  5. Used to work ay cycles UK, was banter; the level of our service was miles off average lol, we were allowed to say pretty much ANYTHING we wanted to customers.
  6. Its just a little thing under your name which recognises your postive imput to the forum essentially, I think its a good thing! Shows trustworth people on the forum, who can help you more than other people.
  7. Weather seems to be picking up hopefully have better weather than the last time we rode! hahaha
  8. You would be better sending back 24" rims and forks though Hmmm I would take back a long KO MK1 frame Phat pads And.... hmmmm..... TrialTech 20" sport forks.
  9. Ill never forget being an hour late for a well inportant football match... so yea... don't forget, there forwards as of 8 mins ago
  10. Would love to give one of those bikes to Benito, see what he would be able to do on it.
  11. No-one on tf actually rides!
  12. Just made a racially inappropriate joke in front of 4 wench black blokes, luckily they know me well enough to take it as banter! JOKES
  13. Boooooom booom chucka chucka, just text my ex some stupid shit, ballroom danced to some shit music, met my dealer, totall f**ked dancing with some hot chick.... Mate.... night complete misus £40.
  14. means tommorow night I will be onit! As long as I don't let the vodka and wine catch me out again ill be fine! hahaha Night ogre
  15. Say my paddling pool just split in our 3rd floor kitchen... how long is it going to take to dry out if i do NOTHING?
  16. It will stink, my advise, take a shower "taps on everything" covers that shit up nice and good.
  17. Depends on what you will be smoking IN the pipe.
  18. Woke up blazed, got a flat mate to cook, blazed, watched 2 series of Reaper.... Yep thats pretty much been my "getting over Anna" routine today! Same again tommorow but with a massive piss up at the end! WHEY
  19. You should probably contact the rider and photographer before making it into a tee?
  20. I was about to say, do you need a passport for travel within Europe?
  21. We love you drinking, we do we love you drinking we do, we love you drinking we do.................... oh drinking we love you half a bottle of vodka + a bottle of rose + getting into the clb = badtimes!!!
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