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Everything posted by Simpson

  1. PURE SEX mate i love it, i love classy imports lol
  3. I had christmas lights wrapped round my bike last year the power pack hiddern inder the seat run up the top tube then round the bars, all went tits up when i did a bar spinn and snapped the wire sil looked well in lol
  4. Only because i was throwing myslef off 5 foot walls sideways and jee'ing you on lol
  5. Now people are going bigger and ive never seen an advertisment for a magura, not on a website not saying there the best brakes, top riders use them out of personal prefrence and thats good enough for me! (the only rider ive seen without a maggie on the back was like a £150 V-brake!)
  6. Yes Yes Yes!! Rick still beating you!! lol yea sure gotta downloads MSN on laptop 1st hows ICT? lol
  7. My crank arm fell off in centrall london while burning through a huge crowd of tourists!
  8. Rick im very proud of you but slightly pissed only thing i could out do you was dropping, :sleeping: was the skipp bigger? well done mate have to go out riding well soon, tonight or morra bell us
  9. Simpson


    Thats caled burning (N)
  10. Matt stop being silly! Me Rick Ian and Ben will all help you if you would ever come out, youv'e asked loads of questions on here but just come out for a ride and ride with people who could maybe teach you a trick or to, Rick an Ian taught me how to ride
  11. MEH MEH MEH *gives you a bitch slap Very few companys offer trials parts specifically so stop being a dick an accept top pro's and most trials users use magura's for a reason, dont bother with braided from what ive heard there very touchy! Any how, get some pics mayB? do you mean that the pistons are stiff or... whats the elbow anyhow? (N)
  12. Damm may be out riding for a bit, going to take a while to pull that "slight" flat spot out! (sarcasm i no its ruined)(before abuse starts)
  13. I go through fazes, i dont wear gloves at min but starting to get a bit nippy so.......? I got basically no grips there slick and only 2mm thick? lol Im poor lol
  14. Oh my days lol im loving it, your bike is fooked up!
  15. Easy on mate thats a bit heavy isn't it, now you wont get validated *que fake applause* As long as you do it on msn just dont start up a thread on it
  16. I think that they'd laugh at my shitty riding :bunny: lol after that standard hard to keep up! lol yea mayB 1 saturday rick, (footie :( ) what happended to that place in essex? crumpton? meh!
  17. You only use nitormors if your stripping the frame its a compleate b*****d and eats paint
  18. FFS you see its the wheel size some are bigger others smaller, different riders ride different bikes wear different clothes and have different backgrounds, its like the blondes Vs Brunette who has more fun! (TWAT!)
  19. Its all about my Zen, (or your I-pud or whatever) If you hurting and need to chill on a ride the old Bob Marley and the Whalies (sp?) come out, if ifs a bit screw loose mayB hit up with some heavy rock, Hole, if its contiuuius then some gangsta cruise road rage 1 in redline is PIMP!
  20. Bigman quality rider from cornwall as i understand an honour to ride with him if im not mistaken sold me my rear wheel cheap, sounds like a solid bloke
  21. (ignore random) Rode the Vinco "Ian" has one with a long stem and zoo riser bars, may be the highest bar rise in the country wheel see! lol Rides a lot like a mod though very flicky and twitchy
  22. BEST riding youv'e ever seen, but dudes looks like a god lil homepage that you can base stuff from! keep it up!
  23. That looks like a awsome ride man keep up the good riding!
  24. Wrong thread mate look in at this though Saracen bikes CHEEP may help you in this case
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