cheers sam yea i landed it 3rd and 4th time, rick stood in front of me an i messed it up royally scared the back of my leg with my pedal but was well funny was laughing about it within 30 seconds a classic moment lol
And just a quick question did i ride with you 1ce sam you were on a black..... pure maybe in london, with a street rider? with ross black BT, ian and ben???
same as anywhere else just on the edge of a lip just use your judgement and you'll land on the edge do a hop or two and drop off if thats what you mean
Problem is im the 1 in some of the pic's! but u just find them funny after a lil while.
My falling off
If anyone could post it as a pic would be appriciated im just poor at that type of thing
but you couldnt just pull if off surley because wouldnt it only work if you cut it clean off and if you did your a bit of an idoit to be honest and to not go to hospital :) smells a bit funky to me
I run a ronnie, it been smashed side walls grinded ova and ova, bent, bent back, pin came out of the join and still going strong i dont know about the others but a solid wheel especially for a beginner
Our 1 month old C-max left rear tyre blew up on the M1 at 90mph when taking my sis back to uni still to find the puncture in the tyre grrr...... 50mph spare tyre
Lanky Ricky in new members, other riders left me to get on to it, rick stayed talked explained stopped me looking like a fool about mod / stock e.t.c. gave me some free stuff, front brake and genrally anything un-wanted i could have crates in front gardern and when im sitting at home on MSN you know if ricks on there he'll have you out riding till 10 that night within 30 mins!
Thanx mate!
Its just a way of affecting the geometry like a long chain stay, or longer top tube....... it will make a difference just ride the bikes and make a ballenced idea of what you like, i ride a pikey saracen so arn't too bothered to be honest
NAZI??? You really have no idea what your talking about do you? As a young child i was forced to go on brigade with scouts ever month and in church it dawned on me. So not its not natzi or puritan or cleaning the races its just simply saying that parts of the bible are total bollocks!
Urm the Vinco Pro is a Stock and About the longest stock with a huge BB rise +80 is it?
I think 24" is probably the way forward but other rims and components must progress to make it worhwhile :turned:
You cant fear things because if you dont know how much its going to hurt if you dont do it again then your never going to get a balenced opinion of how much it hurt last time! just over ride the fears in your mind force yourself too
i bitch he bitches everyone bitchesm some ride 1 others ride other doesnt matter which you start on or if you change wether your tall or short or if you are right or left footed
I have lock stock and two bigger wheels
Not better or not though