Try a freshers 7 day prep, on the 1st day have one pint, 2nd day a 2nd, 3rd day etc. till on the 7th day you have 7.
Means your less likley to be a drunken mess 1st night out like I was! Got people telling me months later that they thought I was a massive bell in the 1st few night out! Hahaha ask Rossy G!
Oh and don't be an Essex boy, I was used to Last post pre lash, club, fight, kicked out, kebab, taxis home. In the rest of the UK that just isn't how people do it. There a lot more chilled and relaxed about things, ie. haven't seen a fight in a club in the whole time of being down in Portsmouth (considering its "supposed" to be rough down there thats saying a lot) considering when I was younger a fight in Essex was more than standard, so relax and enjoy it.