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Everything posted by James_Porter

  1. wrong, our travel lodge 10mins after getting there... happened while trying to turn the tele on, without getting up
  2. im not loud although i do enjoy having sex with screaming kittens.
  3. Or shud i change? cos frankly im tried of my mum always hitting me and telling me im such a dissapointment.
  4. mgiht come with phil and dave. looks like im going liverpool tomorrow and will be coming back down with them... prob be able to stop by
  5. ye, he did. loser, he got right arsy about it haha.
  6. all the ones i have stayed in havent been???? and i have stayed in a fair few and you cant sneak them in either cause you have to go past reception.
  7. you wont be able to get bikes in the room no.... just leave them in car.
  8. i will be taking nick goddard, sam wheeler and adam bessel up dartmoor on sunday *weather depending*. talk to me on saturday if you wanna, i will be on the battered echo control ha.
  9. why you staying so far away???? if the one in exeter is full then try the one just off the A30 whidden down service one.
  10. who else is staying down around here on friday night?
  11. bit of everything, im sure i will be there helping out anyways... just to make sure andrea doesnt go over the top as allways.
  12. how you get a pot on your leg chris? i might come up.
  13. ye i used them tarty ones, i havent tried your ones but i can see how they could be better cause they dont have that "clothy" material on the innerside which i would have thought would be a harder material to rub through?
  14. come bristol rich, give me a call if you do end up going.
  15. waste of time in my opinion, all trials shoes. i havent had any trials shoes last more than 3 months and they cost bout twice as much as globes or what ever. ribos dont have ANY ankle support, look gash and if you rub your good foot on the crank the sides will wear through in about 2 weeks, well mine did anyways, 2 sets!
  16. James_Porter

    Sat Nav

    you cheats. im dead against getting a satnav, i just feel its cheating. i got a f**ked map and i managed to get all the way around the country on it last week. check me out
  17. not really, we just seemed to drive backwards and forwards to subway all day cause my bike broke and hobbsies was f**ked anyways. hes thinking about getting a 24...but hes been saying this for years now:p
  18. the website isnt working at the moment, phil cant see any orders that get placed but is sorting it as we speak. a new website is being made as we speak and when ready will have all the new parts which select will be selling.
  19. selectbikes will have a pure with maggie mounts.
  20. i will come, try and bring tim and andrea with me.
  21. looks like a fresh tensioner, just less metal... and from my experiences isnt any good... a few of the fresh ones broke cause people land on them when sidehopping. thats why todge changed the design, i got a thicker fresh one and its mint taken a right beating and its still going strong. unless your running a king get a normal mech, lock it out and run a hanger banger with it, you can mod them if your going to run a pro 2 and they work just aswell. my hanger banger took such a beating only took it off cause i went back to a king and you cant mod them to fit the funbolts.
  22. why cant i see any of the banners?
  23. kin ell, how crooked do me teeth look in that pic HAHAHA
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