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Technical Tom

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Everything posted by Technical Tom

  1. Technical Tom


    Stourbridge Junction is easier, all down hill basically Yeah bring bikes along
  2. Technical Tom


    Yeah he dived in and didn't realise how shallow it was.
  3. Technical Tom


    I've known Beau for about 10 years and we have been really close for all that time. I was with him along with a few other friends on the night when he dived into the lake and broke his back, luckily we managed to save his life for a little bit longer for his family to see him. He went through 1 operation which involved him having his spine re-aligned, having an artificial disc and a rode inserted to hold his back in place. It was already said that he would properly never walk again and he started to make a recovery, but unfortunately Beau suffered a heart-attack and passed away... Its been really hard for me and my friends that are close to Beau, i can't imagine what his parents, brother and sisters are going through. RIP Beau. I'll be thinking of you forever! xxxxxxxxxx
  4. Nice Beau! Bike looks ace and nice moves. Proper vid will be sick i can see
  5. Business Management & Marketing at either Worcester or Nottingham Trent
  6. Really good game!! My game tag is 'Bazso'
  7. Nice video Beuuu! Mate I'm going to be coming riding with you for know on That video reminded me of the good times xx
  8. Yeah i went to Magaluf in July of this year, was simply the best holiday ever! Yeah and the drinking age is 16, never had such a good time in all my life, definitely recommend it! Does get annoying though when your walking to BCM and you keep getting hustled by people trying to get you into you pub.
  9. No, well I'm pretty sure there isn't, I just look on computer, only takes 2 ticks.
  10. You can look at what you have used and got remaining by signing up on the o2 website, from there you can see your bills and what minutes and texts you have left.
  11. May pop down me thinks, let you know nearer the time.
  12. Can't wait, Just under 30mins Looks like a good episode too!
  13. Very nice Kyle, nice moves in there. Maybe get more clips together and make a longer video, seemed a bit short.
  14. Beau hardly tested it really, had it on for about 1 week max, they seemed pretty stiff when I had ago, but they're quite expensive for what they're...
  15. Krisboats has made them before...
  16. Thought I may as well post a picture I took quite a bit ago in New Quay, Wales. I now its nothing good compared to the stuff in this thread which are really good
  17. A - Business Studies C - Engineering D - Product Design ? - ICT (Hasn't all been marked yet) Did ok suppose, well chuffed with an A in Business, but I'm going to re-take the exams in Engineering & ICT as they were pretty crap lol
  18. Get my AS Level results tomorrow as well, not really too nervous but I properly will be tomorrow
  19. Whoo Ginger Man 4TW! Good video, liked it a lot.
  20. The test won't be harder in the theory, it's just that instead of answering 35 questions in which you need 30 or more to pass, you will be answering 50 questions in which you need 43 or more to pass. As long as you have learned it, which u say u have to me you will be fine
  21. Was a good ride, very good turn out Good to see some old and new faces!
  22. God dam Joe, has to happen to you, you power house
  23. So Victoria Square we all meeting? Ill be there about 11:30 with a few other people's
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