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Technical Tom

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Everything posted by Technical Tom

  1. Me, Andy and Ollie are going up Saturday... If anyone wants to come up then let me know
  2. Yes Ollie, looking so nice! Really good spec and ride soo good!
  3. If your on a budget: Maxxis Minion Dual Ply (Really good for grip in wet and dry conditions with a good wear rate.) If you have a bit more money: Continental Der Kaiser or Continental Rain King. I haven't used the Continental tyres but my friend has the Rain King one and its really really good, nice under low pressure and it has an amazing puncture resistance.
  4. Yeah was a nice ride little chilled ride
  5. Year ago today he died... Can't even begin to say whats going through my mind, all i know is that with time it doesn't get any easier... Ride in Peace Beau! Always in mine and everyone heart! xxx
  6. Had mine for about a month and absolutely love it! For how light it is, it does still feel stiff on the back wheel and the geometry feels perfect. I say go for it, maybe try and have a go on one before you buy if you can, but i didn't and love it.
  7. You could just try and pull them apart with 2 pairs of pilers, depends how well they're glued in. Best bet though is the oven trick mate
  8. But them in the oven on about 200 degrees for about 10mins, but just keep checking regularly. Then get 2 pairs of pliers and simply pull the pads apart from the backings.
  9. Yeah that is serious nice with the rear white rim!! Good choice
  10. Man that looks super sexy Oak! Loving the white front end. Can't wait to have a go on it tomorrow
  11. Went Matlock on Friday... Who you going with? Just come to Brum
  12. Got back into riding after 6 months out... Me, Andy and Ollie will be there at about 11:30. If anyone else fancies it? Would be nice to catch up with a couple of old faces. Will probably be around Victoria or Centenary Square around that time for an hour or so. Let us know
  13. Safe mate, Not too sure when i will be riding next, super busy atm with uni and working... I'll let you know though when i will be out :)

  14. I've been riding about 3/4 years.. Been haven't properly rode in a year.. Ollies gone to Uni which leave me by myself. But yeah i'll be up for riding soon
  15. Technical Tom


    Yeah it's his birthday on the 7th.. would be 19. Happy Birthday mate! Ride In Peace! EDIT: Yeah sorry the 7th!
  16. Bessel's bail was horrible! Had an amazing day, met loads of new people and saw some old faces again which was ace! Hopefully see you all soon
  17. Kyle you going Saturday and Sunday? Because me and Ollie are only going Sunday..
  18. There's me and ollie who ride Stourbridge a fair bit, just trying to get back into trials again.. Good to see there is new people starting
  19. Me and Ollie (S-town Ollie) will be there on Sunday! FOR SURE!
  20. Yeah Bristol i think.. Was the first time we all ventured out of the West Midlands and i think he had the greatest ride of his life, as did all of us. I should be able to make it, have to get it off work, so the quicker we get a date the easier i'll be able to book it off
  21. Technical Tom


    Thanks to the riders who turned up was nice to see them again, even if it was only for a hand shake.. i couldn't really talk to much, still was a bit emotional at that time.. Just thanks again, we will have a ride soon xxx
  22. Technical Tom


    Thanks to everyone who made the effort Beau would of really appreciated that. Sorry i didn't join you guys in Brum, i wasn't really in the mood..
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