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Everything posted by downhill_rob2@hotmail.com

  1. What you mean chased? If theres gonna be lots of us, then there shouldnt be any chavs to get in our way I might come along if tom rigg n KBT are comin....
  2. You cant tell the diffrence? lol Anyways, ok then, you can have a square taper or any BB you like, just if your skint and dont like to spend money, it works, it hasnt failed for me yet, and its lasted since april.. without having to remove the BB aswell... so im loving it
  3. Haha, was abit shit like wasnt it haha. P.S, i wasnt looking at the body paint (yes, im immature...)
  4. No it wont. Disks are designed to take VERY high temperatures anyways...
  5. Yes he will I wanna see some pics (even though i dont like stocks )
  6. You a full member now mate (thanks too moi) So now you can go into the forsale section and sell your T-pro
  7. nope, just thick. haha Just, either, buy some new pads and rotor, or buy a maggy HS33, thats all i can think of hehe
  8. "and for my next trick, i shall try and insert... ohhhh shit OW OW OW!!!" First chinkey the croc has ever had lmao, no fried rice though, what a crap chinkey he had...
  9. Hmmm, what size cogs have you got? 18T on the front? and 12T on the back? Ifso, then im clueless about the size of the chain, cause it should work
  10. Thats what we wanna hear mate Good lad! Some people just dont understand the words "dont post" lmao but atleast you understand a few things already Where abouts are you from? (near me hopefully ) lol P.S sweet ride Cheers, rob!
  11. haha, that would be awsome, it would stop you from faceplanting :D
  12. Hmmmm, i dont really like that one, sorry. I dont like the blue. And maybe because its a stock lol
  13. awsome little vid, needs to be ALOT longer though lol. He does look like he has snaped his pelvis lol, maybe just years of stretching though? lol
  14. They still look stronger than middle burns though.... Middle burns are thin and look weak as f**k, but we all know that they arnt weak... These new tensiles are just another way for tensile to make MORE money The old ones were awsome as they were, but i soppose they could do without the CNC'd bit What the hell am i going on about
  15. New Zoo's? Or maybe the Pace Carbon Fiber forks? I would go for either the Zoo's or the Hi-Fi's?
  16. fly along fast, then try to attemp a stoppie, this will heat both rotor and pads, then chuck some cold clean water on, and repeat it around 5 times, it should work the Im going to do mine later as i bought a new rotor the other day how were you heating the rotor up? a blow tourch? cause that doesnt work, cause you need both pads and rotor to bed in with each other, by getting them both hot ect...
  17. no, because, the T-master and the Echo hub, are near enough the same, with the same built quality. just got for the T-master hub, they are awsome, and they run VERY VERY smoothly
  18. Please dont quote pics.. takes twice as long to load... and you dont wanna see the same pics 2 times Anyways, ace pics man, loving them
  19. no it wont. If you think about it, if you use the correct amount of anti-freeze mixed with water, then the anti-freeze becomes nuetral, and it wont even harm the seals or anything (most of the water bottles n pipes on a car are plastic or rubber...) Baby oil is menna be fooking awsome, i might try it, but my water bleed it VERY awsome, it hasnt froze at all, and its been through 2 winters (hasnt got any anti-freeze in ether )
  20. I talk to ben slinger most days Hes a world champ Reffering to jake, you cant say a well detailed techinque of riding, in one simple question. Maybe alond the lines of, "Go out, and try, make your own technique!"
  21. Yeah, but you would have to have patience and learn to like it... At first, i didnt like my koxx bars, but now i love them.... not everyone is like you... Look in members chat, theres a post about the GU, and everyone is saying its MUCH easier to do everything on than any other bike, and its sooo stable ect. P.S, anyone can ride a monty Maybe be diffrent and try somthing abit more sexual? EDIT: hes changing from a Onza T-bird, so hes gonna feel the diffrence on anybike he gets...
  22. You havnt tryed the new reds mate The blues are out of league compaird to the new reds
  23. 2 letters... GU Get the mod version, best money well spent or an alternative, a ZonaZip
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