Hey people, last night i was with my GF, we done what we normally do (you know what ) and then when i took her home, i got picked up by my mam. around 15 mins later, my GF TEXT ME saying, "im sorry, but its over" she wont say why she finished me, and why the f**k did she do it over f**king text!!! Im really upset, but i want her back! Have any of you got any advise on how to get her back? She said she loves me, but she thinks i would be better off with someone else (shes finished me 4 times before for this reason) Im ringing her at 1pm today to speak to her n find out whats up. Does everyone think i should leave it for a few days, to see how things go? BTW, she said its over for good :( :( cheers people (PLEASE DONT START LAUGHING N STUFF!)