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Everything posted by downhill_rob2@hotmail.com

  1. Meh, i dont give 2 shits about people calling me a a mug, cup twat n stuff, sticks n stones right? Its my life...
  2. Shes alot better in real life Dont forget people, i am only 15, i still have my whole life ahead of me.... so i gotta mess up once n a while... right? just like everyone else...
  3. Nice pic, you should leave the colour of the person in though, would look slightly beter
  4. Shes doesnt want to over power me, basicaly because she cant lol. Im the one in charge
  5. haha, il let her read all of this thread shes all read read the first page. This has gotta be the hottest thread... since.... the "post a pic of your missus thread" lmao
  6. nah, she hasnt, all of yesterday she was at home (i was on msn to her all day) and didnt go out... she wouldnt have anyways....
  7. Whats the point? Guess what lads.... I went to have a little talk with her after tutor (like 1 mins ago [yes im in the computer room most of my lessons ]) and i asked her back out, and she said yes Woohoo
  8. i dont get it If i get with her mates, then she would fall out with me, and i wouldnt have a chance then... And her mates probably would go out with me anyways, simply because they wouldnt want to hurt her feelings if they did... Im cirtain she was wanting to talk to me at break, because when i came outa the dinner hall, she was standing outside the door, where she normally stands when shes waiting for me, but with me being late, they never looked in the door, and just walked off.... She might wanna see me at dinner, was last time at dinner when she asked me back out... **crosses fingers**
  9. depending on what im doing, me and jordie might be there
  10. her friends are kinda minging though lol + im not a loner, i was going to meet my 'friends'
  11. Iv already told my mates that im not gonna show them the pics She smiled at me at break (like f**king 5 mins ago) I was like, yeah bitch, come ask me out then, then i didnt smile back at her, but i smiled at her mates hahahahahaha was kinda funny, but i was walkin by myself at the time lmao
  12. i dont think the words NSX and "slow" can be used in a sentance together...
  13. the thing is... she isnt a slut... Shes only ever shagged me... Meh, forget it, im just gonna wait to see what happens.
  14. Ask her out mate. What isnt a problem with me and my (now ex) missus
  15. I see your point.... Im gonna see how things go tommorow at school, if she comes back, yey, if not,
  16. BUT, its still a NSX I want a NSX so badly! wouldnt you get stopped with that car, to see if you have the ferrari liscence permit?
  17. if she done that, and everyone that shes went out with, KNOWS, id kill them... I have a name formyself in my school (not for fighting) but for being a very good fighter when it comes to it... Shitty chav boys and dicks and weak in my school lol. they wouldnt go out with her knowing i still loved her anyways...
  18. FOOOOKING SEXY!!!!!!! Loving the first n second pic!
  19. Yes they do Eccpecially when it first slips in, it feels sooo nice!
  20. she isnt actually Iv just spoke to her on the phone for like 1 hour, she said that its her thats the problem, she hates herself or summit (girls) She said that if we give it some time, time for her to sort herself out, then she will take me back... so im kinda a little bit happier!
  21. cheers man. I think when i ring her at 1 im gonna demand a reason for why shes finished me, and it better be a good reason, and im gonna ask why she done it over text if its the last time im gonna go out with her... i would rather have it to my face! (i wouldnt be TOO bothered if i KNEW for definate that i was gonna get her back! but i dont know that
  22. her best mate joke! Its going to be really weird in school, because her tutor is the one right next to mine, so its gonna be weird just walking straight past her. Another thing, shes been really depressed latly (f**k knows why [lasses hey]) so maybe thats the problem? this is what the text said: thats what she sent me this morning after i rang her. she also didnt talk much on the phone, but she said she wants to go out with me, and loves me, but she thinks its beter for me.... is it f**k!
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