Hey people, louise got off holiday yesterday, and brought me a bottle of ouzo back.. and.. yes.. its VERY hot Burns my throat... are you menna mix it with summit? lol Iv just mixed it with some lemonade, and its nicer... whats everyones thoughts...?
Front hooks Manning and me was doing some hooks, then my brake went funny, didnt bother looking why... lol... Then i got home, looked at it, didnt see out... then took wheel out and forks fell apart
I must be the only person that thought that vid was bollocks? really? It got VERY repetitive after a while, BUT, watching the insaness of your riding and skillz, i kept watching The riding was FERKING amazing!
It hurts.. yes lol. Just let them grow back a little, then shave again, and keep doing that, it will stop hurting Or use a shaver with the little wire guard things on? worked for me
My gf fell off, bust her knee open, i couldnt stop laughin, it was kinda funny, then got her pants caught in the chain, was even funnier. she wont ride mybike now
Just dont talk about bike around them? Its a little bit geekyish anyways talking about bike in front of lasses. no wonder they all hate you Or... just talk about bikes, when they loose interest, just whack your knob out, and then they will re-gain interest
Hi everyone, what day is everyone coming back from fort will on? If its the sunday, does anyone want to ride carlisle? as its on the way back down I think will arnold might be riding on the sunday... maybe iolo n people..
What about that old "witch" type women, who lived in a cave in like the 1400's... She predicted cars... came true predicted the internet.. hey look... predicted planes... guns... and a shit load of other things which has came true. Also predicted that if this bridge falls down 3 times, the world will end... its already fell down 2 times, and now its being held up with gurders... lol