It isnt every day that we get someone that good up here.. VERY rare actually.... Well, we do have the worlds champ only 75 miles from me, n stan shaw n people
Tighten everything up.... On the cranks, the freewheel... see if its tight, by grabing the teeth (where the chain goes on...) and wobble it side to side... Then tell us if its loose and we will help again
Team MAD was up in carlisle on saturday... I was riding with mannings He done a stunt show here, was fairly good, monster trucks n stuff But they were heading up north again
I just stacked 7 pallets up, without the sloped one, and just kept going at it for like... 4 hours? pissed my nabours off I still didnt get the hang of it though haha
piston sizes might be wrong? like, you might only pull the lever like 1 mm for it to lock on, or might have to pull it to the bars ect... would be crap.
Now you dont get any Lol, only joking Im not bothered if i dont get any , but looks like im one of the few people with a Echo 2006 rear rim... hint hint...