Pads: Koxx Reds Time used: around 2 months Brake used: Maggy 05 with water bleed Rim used: Echo 2006 Grind, yeah, nearly smooth, unfresh/dead Tar: haha, no. What is your opinion of a working brake: Bites straight away, and doesnt slip the slightest, and has a very nice loud bite. How do they compare to previous pads you have used: Probably the best pads iv used, apart from HS blues, but they wore down too quick! Review: I fitted them, and squared them up on the rim totally perfect. the brake was amazing and really loud and didnt slip the slightest, and then i got a puncture, and had to take wheel out of frame to fit a new tube. this made my brake go crap All i had to do was get each pad and just "touch" them on my grinder, to make the surface of the pad shiny, and them my brake was better than ever! Its still amazing and hasnt wore down much at all really, around 2mm max! in 2 months! But sayign that, i havnt ridding atall for 3 weeks, intill yesterday... All in all, best pads iv used IMO