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Everything posted by downhill_rob2@hotmail.com

  1. Awesome pics lads! Looks like it was a ace ride!!!
  2. ooooo i mite be up for morecambe, if i can get there obviously... Im more northern that you's come up norf. CARLISLE!!!
  3. Your just too posh... Who has carpets in the garage? haha.
  4. if someone steals a 1penny sweet... it would be in the news...
  5. haha, stop trying to be brainy... Downloading vid now... but the XTP does look loads sexier this year
  6. haha. Sucks that the bike was stolen i hate it when things like this happen! I hope you get it back dude!! Get this bike released steve
  7. **DREAM!!!** f**k, i wanna live is japan!
  8. X-Otrillion. Just cause it sounds good (first word [word?] that came to my head...) Id specialize in, brake pads, grips, tyres, innertube (100% puncture resistant) and a whole lot more things!
  9. no. IMO, £35 for onza cranks is a rip off! I bent a pair, snapped another pair, and rounded one off... then got tensiles
  10. Never liked montys, always felt cramped on them... Iv never ridden the monter boy, so cant really decide... lol
  11. porn on big screen! My pc setup is shit lol, got lots of rubbish everywhere lol, need to clean it, and need to reset out my pc! lol, its in the shittest place ever! lol My mam told me to take my sub off, cause when ever it was on, all she could hear downstairs was bruuuuup boom boom boom boom, lol
  12. I didnt know it was toiletries either lol, ah well. On average, il spend like £6 a month on toiletries, on myself alltogether, around £360? hehe
  13. and statistics say men like big boobs more than bums... lmao, yeah rite. I hate big boobs, with a passion, but i LOVE amazing arses... with a very big passion...
  14. I have mine incased in glass, then that incased in concrete, then inside diamond, its a bitch to open in the morning... In other words, i keep mine in the shed... guarded by my rotwhiler... lol
  15. mike, are you coming up here again on crimbo? Ifso, you gettin train back? i MITE be able to tag along on train, then come back up, mite be able to bring a mate aswell... Depends on how much it all costs... lol
  16. you sure fully comp? im not sure you can have fully comp on a moped... Anways, mines £325 3PFT, yeah, expensive... Its with adrian flux insurance... Search on google, think its summit like, www.bikebike.co.uk
  17. Looks poop. lol, sowwie, but it really does... WAYYYYY too much green!
  18. Well, heres my stats recently... Benchpress - 60kg 10 reps 3 sets Squats - 120kg 6 reps 2 sets, then 130kg 5 reps (failure) 1 set Shoulder press - 55kg 3 sets front and rear of head Curling 20kg dumbells around 6-8 reps both arms, just depends on how many i can get lol I really cant be arsd to write every single weight n reps ect... lol Im weighin in at 12.3 stone now, diffrence from the original 10.3... lol Body fat is alot higher than before, probs cause iv been bulking slightly. iv gained ALOT of muscle since last time aswell...
  19. Around 4-5 months ago, i was riding really well, like sidehopping 45" and backwheeling 46", gapping 7.8 foot, ect.. But now i can barly even sidehop bar height Wank like! I need to ride alot more, just dont have the time or i just cant be arsd any more! Im scared i cant ride as good as i used to be able to any more
  20. I went riding by myself once, cause carlisle was flooded, so thought it would be cool... lol I hoped up a big wall, and 180'd on top of it, then was gonna hop off, my chain snapped and i flew off the wall and landed on the ground with my face hahaha. It was funny, hurt like a biatch! I always seam to hurt myself when i ride by myself lol, unless im riding really well, then i dont.. obviously...
  21. Hey people, its been over a year since the last weight training post was alive, so i thought i would restart a fresh one and see what peoples stats are to date... Com'on people, get yo' stats up on here n lets see if you have improved! When i say stats, i mean, Body weight size? Weights lifting now on all the machines...
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