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Everything posted by downhill_rob2@hotmail.com

  1. Dont worry lads, since you cant carry any of your mates, they will have cars... more people to race Nah seriously, im pissed off about this one! Gordon brown doesnt actually know much about life outside of the government... so doesnt know what MOST people drive like.. hes just looking at the crash rate... not the non crash rate... O yeah, just finished my 7th driving lesson 5 mins ago
  2. Yeah, just joina gym! Eat what ever you like, your not on a diet if you wanna get big... and train alot, and hard... Make yourself a workout after you;ve been going for a few weeks and got used to all the machines ect Train properly, heavy and hard, and you will see a massive diffrence.. It might not be in 2 weeks time, or 2 months time... but say in about a year, you will see a massive diffrence if you've been training properly. Body building is a slow process, so be patient! I stopped training back at christmas there, i got bored of it and found a pub
  3. £5 thats cheap Up here its like £10 :|
  4. Just think about sex and capowie! the thought are in the back of your head!
  5. My mates used to do it sometimes... Just drop it on the floor, stamp on it... fixed. lol
  6. I work 5 days a week, monday to friday, 7:30 till 4:30, after that, i go home and sleep till about 6ish, then go to see friends, or go to the pub... if i have a date on the night, il go on the date and not see friends... and i chill with paretns quite often... i have drivin lessons at 10 till 12pm every sat... I then go to the pub on saturday's at lunch came home, then go to a mates later I then go riding on sundays then go to pub
  7. Cheers for the comment dude Not missing trials as much as i thought probs cause i get out on the DH bike more often than the trials bike... and all my good mates do DH, like 30 of us lmao! s'all good!
  8. i just read up on their website... Says the 2006 versions are 435cc each stanchon... They should be the same for mine then eh? mines summit like 2003 versions i think not sure...
  9. My rock pad blues, when i rode trials, were probably one of the best pads i had ever used.. Loud as f**k, held like f**k, loud as f**k in the rain, anf held like f**k in the rain. lol Sorry for the swaring, but it has to be done to emphasis how good the pads really were...
  10. Boom boom boom, let me hear you say way oh! Ahh butlins 1996 Also the venga boys lmao awesome!
  11. Hey there peeps... My monster T fork oil seals have just gone... all the oil has leaed out, and they bottom out quite alot now.... Im ordering new fork seals today and the oil today aswell... just, how much oil will i need? how much oil do you put in each stanchen? Please help lol
  12. Awesome riding danny! Nice to see carlisle is getting into some vids these days! that sidehop onto keiths scooby though... awesome. lol Keep it up bud!
  13. since everyone is a biatch I have to make my own birthday thingyby on here... happy birthday to me
  14. obvisouly f**k im drunk lmao anyone notice the teleconipic seat piost?
  15. Obviously riding it? My birthday in like... 20 mins
  16. Rode AE today... f**king loving the bike!! sooo much more nicer to ride compaired to the orange! can clear the 15 foot table top... asif it isnt even there lol, used to struggle on my orange! Just waiting for pics to be sent to me... hehe
  17. hell yeah man! im already in love with it after riding a few steps round my area Its a fox DHX3 Gonna test it properly at AE forest tommorow
  18. I know, rear shock included aswell! theres a few more frames if any one wants one lol
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