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Everything posted by downhill_rob2@hotmail.com

  1. HAHA this made me laugh! lol Tom would have a clue, he hasnt seen my bird :-
  2. To do this though, I would buy a really good BB so it doesnt huck up again!
  3. Yes I forgot :- Does it really matter what age you have to be? If iv been in a relationship for a while and love my girlfriend... ect
  4. Oh my girlfriend can ride.... :- :lol: But not a bike (Y)
  5. Well I heard about the T-pro 05 frame being faulty or something? Iv put one one layer of black insulation tape round the treads, its filt the gap quite well and it doesnt seam to move about, but im not too sure as when I used mt bottom bracket tool to tighten the bottom bracket, it just slips and doesnt tighten (just keeps turning inside the shell)
  6. Known me I would just pour it up my arm and just stand there screaming and laughing at the same time :'( And known me if i wore glove, somehow the acid will get inside and burn my hands off again! lol
  7. HEHE I can see him now, flying about like craig lee scott on it!!! That would be so much funny!!
  8. Try doing a crank flip on the backwheel. Iv almost got it, i just cant get my front foot on the pedal quick enough :'( I can do normal crank flips just roling along though :lol: :(
  9. I wouldnt like to ride that bike!!! Its too small! haha I dont know anything about monty so...
  10. Just make sure you dont get it in your eyes!!! Its a acid... so you seals are more then likyl hucked!
  11. Its a T-pro 05, it stripped itself, I dont know how though :lol: :( :P I was riding it one day and it came loose (asif it was going to come out my frome) so i took it out and it was nakered! Then once i put it in, i Had to take my crank off with a priser bar so i could tighten my freewheel and it fooked again
  12. cheers for the advise, I really need one as my threads are fooked like, if im riding my bike now, my cranks fly to the right when im riding it! cause the threads dont hold the BB in the frame so it just slipps about! :lol: :'(
  13. Like the name says, im looking for a threadless bottom bottom bracket that fits a mod (127.5) Iv looked at wiggle and they have stopped doing the 127.5's now, and only do smaller, and iv also tryed billys.co.uk and they only do the smaller ones. Do you know where i can get hold of one?
  14. OK OK OK.... Whos the 5 loosers that dont think its sexy :- (Y) ;)
  15. It will probablky have to be on a sunday as i might be working on a sat if i get a job :blink:
  16. It more likly will be on a sunday, thats the best day for most people I think as hardly anyone works on sundays :)
  17. Cool cool. Im really after new forks like, I think these are going to snap soon enough from doing loads of front hops and stuff :) Im just worried that it will make the bike ride crap :(
  18. cheers for the advise mark. It isnt broke, but i want a upgrade... riding for 1 year and stil having a standars T-pro is just crap!!! lol (the reason its starndard is cause i got it off insurance for my old bike) And i dont have too uch moeny to spend on forks so.... lol
  19. bloody hell, theres gonna be loads of riders there like!! and my 2 favourite... craig lee scott and ben slinger :"> (N) (Y) HAHA It will probably be on a week end, cause thats when most people are off work and things. We still havnt decided a prober date, but it will come soon :D" :)" EDIT: just telling you, when we make a date, me and rocky wont probably be there till about 1:00. or maybe a little bit earlier if i drag my parents out of bed! lol
  20. Craigs just PM'd me tonight saying that he is going to try his best to come along. He hopfuly will as he only lives a few miles down the road (N)
  21. Hi there people, I was wondering, are the monty hyrda forks any better than my standard Onza T-pro 05 forks? are they any lighter of stronger in any way? Or what are good forks for around £40 that will last and that are lighter than my standard T-pro forks? im not looking to buy straight away as i have no money and ow people some :D (N) But just tell me what you think and it will be great (Y) Cheers, rob
  22. Morcambe, im going there in a few weeks time, will be mint! Theres loads of street aswell.
  23. When the woman was on her way to give the men their £1's back, she felt thursty, so she bought a drink with the other £1, so that £1 has went into another till in the shop................... :turned:
  24. Cool cool. Iv just PM'd craig lee scott to see if he will make an apperiance! :P (Y) So theres about 9 riders that should be there if they are free on the day already. It should be a really good day ;) Oh and by the way. we arnt the *best* riders on earth, we are *medium*. Asin backwheel 36" (barheight) and stuff :) just to let you's know cause your all probably amazing! (Y) (i know tom rigg is :turned: )
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