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Everything posted by downhill_rob2@hotmail.com

  1. i used to have a UN52 on my old bike before it got nicked, that was a great BB, never ever came loose or had probalems with it, only took it off once cause i had to drain the water out of my frame cause i fell off the bike and it fell 20 foot into a river :-
  2. Oh yeah, poo!! Well what bottom bracket do you think I should get for around that price? £20 range?
  3. I know that waynio :P I need to know about that Bb i put up the ^^ ASAP! if any knows, :D cheers
  4. I think im ordering a new bottom bracket and some tensile cranks today :o :S :) Hopfully :D this bottom bracket the second one down. do you know if this is a tapered BB or a splined one? in the writing it says tapered, but in the pic its a splined! :P :) :)
  5. I used to work at a local hotel, £4 an hour, 12 hours on a saturday 2pm till 2am :D Was actually really easy! all I had to do was prefare 120 meals in 20 mins, didnt take long.... :P
  6. I would have it for about 5 mins and crash it straight into the floor!
  7. It maybe is actually rocky!! :D :P Didnt seam that though :)
  8. No mate, beleive me it is. I can get a pic of my mate doing the gap..... Il go and get one now
  9. Hello people, just want to say, that I snapped my Bottom Bracket tonight doing a rail gap, was a 6 foot static froma rock to a rail, then it snapped as I landed :D heres some pics of it: Pic of me setting off for the gap! (poo pic) but you can see just how big the gap was: So, then I started to have a go on toms brand new stead (just bought today): I done a 34" sidehop on toms bike first attempt!! lol, can barly do it on my bike! (no pic for it though :P ) Some pics of my bike from friday (before my BB snapped :) : The moral of the story, buy a new Bottom bracket if you have a onza thandard one!! I know 2 people this has happened to so far!
  10. Just bumping up my post so people can see it :D Still no date yet ;)
  11. fooooook me, that is a very very nice bike!!!!
  12. Is it just me or is his front wheel smaller that the back? It looks like a 24" to me ;) :D :P is it so he can so them ridiculously high front touches :P :o :D :(
  13. sister ;) :D :P Currently i have been really liking being with my GF, but i also like riding, and TF and i lurve my bed!!! :P :o :D
  14. I side hopped 36" and gapped 7.2 foot static.... that was last week though ;)
  15. Iv been telling him NOT to buy sony sound systems! they are the ultimate bollocks!!! they are crap! Iv been telling him to buy some alpine stuff, but he just wont listen!!! alpine is probably the best for cheap stuff!! The best quality sound coming from a alpine (Y) But IMO, this car looks quite nice, but its RRRREEEEEAAAAALLLLLYYYYYY slow!!!!
  16. HAHA, thats quite true! lol BUT!!! I know how it can really stop an electric train... it may fly into the main electric wire/cable, and then it might explode and the train will blow up, then eventually it will stop???
  17. lol, all the train people will see allday is people on trials bikes :P
  18. HAHA we had to wear them in year 7, 8 then in year 9 we had to but we never did, then now years 10 and 11 dont have to (year 11 have left) and year 7 8 9 have to!! haha We just laugh at them! lol, since my gf is in year 9, she has to hahahahahahaha But our school is probably the best in Carlisle, they dont have little chavvy bastids in it, and we have a "councel" so if someone doesnt like something, they can go to the school councel and say so and they might get it changed!
  19. Please, please, call me rob..... (Y)
  20. not a clue on the date yet sorry people, im gonna try and find out in the next few weeks :) It will more likly be in the last 2 weeks of august
  21. not bad as a first attempt, you look about 10 ;) (Y) :) :D"
  22. Beleive me people. I hate being the age I am! im 15 years of age, and I hate it!! I should love it, but I dont, cause of the people that are my age that have no respect for others and they are just gennerally pricks!! I think that, that lass that got raped should get all 3 lads done and get DONE!! not just a slap on the wrist and told not to do it any more. When I heard about that lass getting away with knocking out that other lass, i thought straight away.... everyone is going to do it now, since they know that they can get away with it!!!!
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