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Everything posted by downhill_rob2@hotmail.com

  1. My names rob!!! Ask most of the top riders in england which have used these pads... (porter for instance...) and then ask which are better... new heatsink reds, or the blues.... then you will get a really good answer, and will ALWAYS be the same... heatsink reds... if your wondering...
  2. profile hub = 36 hole echo rims = 32 hole Unlucky
  3. heatsink blues arnt all that good. they have a really nice bite to them, but they slip like hell! Get them koxx browns fired on, with a nice SHARP, not rough, grind stuck on there!
  4. Get a nice fine grind stuck on there mate My plaz pads worn down in like 3 weeks i was sooo f**king pissed off about that!!! But your shouldnt do that, aslong as your grind isnt as rough as mine was
  5. ditto, and if you want it to last ALOT longer, you have to splash out on alot more money buying better axels n shit!
  6. bruce lee... i bet he could have done some VERY crazy stuff!!!
  7. its me andy..... rob from carlisle lol
  8. it wont let me download it When i click the link "biketrials felix V1 is says page cannot be displayed and the V2 aswell
  9. Try going at a very slight angle towards the wall? like, if you pedal kick with your right foot, then go towards the wall at a slight angle, to the right so that the wall is on the oppisite side of your right foot.. and then try, its helps bigtime!
  10. good lad, you got your bike sorted Get out to newcastle on feb the 5th! Or come riding with me in carlisle
  11. He edited the post whilst you were stil posting...
  12. Yeah, they look just like the normal forks you get on a T-pro I have a 05 T-pro (what he says he has) and mine didnt come with any disk mounts on So im cool and bought some X-lites The T-pro forks with extra metal on, will weigh like 5 tonnes! lol
  13. Alright people, This lad im talking to on msn says that he has T-pro standard forks on his T-pro, but when i had a look at a pic of him riding it, he has a front disk. I asked how he has this, and he said that T-pro forks are made with disk mounts, but iv NEVER seen any like this Whats going on? Now hes just said that T-bird, T-vee and so on all have the T0pro standard forks, and all have disk mounts on them
  14. dont be silly mate. We all know santa exsists! But it doesnt feel like crimbo ATALL this year! im not bothered lol
  15. I also said... "ew thats shit"
  16. but then you wouldnt get prezzies if you done all that No ones bothered? lol Nobody HAVE to be here... so if they dont like it... go lol
  17. No body is thinking about the KHE hub.... Have a look in members trials chat for a post saying, "Khe hub" and look at that, its stunning, and half the price of that of an profile... with probably the same build quiality!
  18. A fresh water bleed should sort that out Just make sure that ALL the oil is out when bleeding it
  19. Stod Go mod! :D Stocks are for gays! Just look at porter!
  20. 20" rims are strong as fook, porters only collapsed cause he used shit spokes that were all threaded and just pulled out of the rim when he done that stupid gap.... and i think the rims ARE polished
  21. Thats why you like it all over your face
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