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Everything posted by downhill_rob2@hotmail.com

  1. hmmmm, which KMC is it? the thin one? If it is, then if you take the whole chain off, and look at your rear fixed sprocket, and its all mashed, then the chain isnt going onto your sprocket properly, and its just slipping round, get the wider chain (its happened to me a few times...)
  2. haha, oh my god, a whole 35 mins :o thats a record... for someone to be complaining cause they arnt validated yet. Some people have been in NMC for like 1 year and things, but they dont complain. If you made good posts n things, then it wouldnt be long to get validated. but, i reacon, since you have asked, its going to be 3years, 1 month, 2 weeks and 23 mins, intill you get validated
  3. I dont like the common tart, if they sluts, i wudnt touch them probably catch summit, i would rather like to know where they have been before hand... lol
  4. New heatsink reds all the way.. they are truly awsome!!! Never EVER failed with me, and they have sooo much power
  5. On the 1st january, Benslinger V3 will be online, (by reading his msn name) and it should have all the vids on n stuff Its his website BTW
  6. hehe, sorry, i must have drempt that up, i think it is real now
  7. its menna be a fake... the IP address goes to slovakia or summit when benito doesnt live in slovakia...
  8. dont wanna burts your bubble people, but i think its menna be snowing all over the UK all next week end? and if addingham is up a mountain or summit, then it will stay there for a while...
  9. eh? hes on about grinding the rim I tryed usina dremel, it goes really crap and the dremel shoots off the rim and you get the grind all crap. Just be a man and use a proper grinder
  10. TRA? im sure he has out-sidehopped them? (definatly CLS!) I wanna see more trials parks and places, and ALOT more comps and stuff everywhere accross the world. i wanna see it go world wide and every country to just try the sport... Thats pysically (not saying totally) impossible.. cause you can only learn at a cetain rate...
  11. haha, what a cock, his arm looked like it twsted, asif you were ringing out a tea towel hahahaha
  12. 5 most weeks, but around 25 in the holidays on a good week I only ride when i cba and if theres someone with me now, today i was gonna go riding, but i couldnt ride for shit, so i never lol (really bad hang over from crmbo)
  13. They made out of cheese though man I dont think to my knowledge, that you can buy a good red rim... but the best you will get is the try-all im afrade
  14. When people say, "frames are heavy" they dont mean the weigh VERY heavy (like 4 KG) they are only a few grammes lighter than other frames around... Get the ZIP they look amazing, still have to ride on my mates though lol
  15. but i can remember reading that you said it was the best bike u had ridden and didnt like any other... and it was awsome for everything
  16. yeah they fall apart like powder hehe my mate had them on the front, they are awsome
  17. you have monty pads... no wonder... they work amazing on smooth rims yet alone VERY fine grinds...
  18. and it would cost alot more money that £69 to run a disk! First of all, you would need forks... then hub... then the disk
  19. but wasnt he riding with a brocken/half fixed ankle? Oh yeah, i vote slinger hes awsome
  20. I got like 14 pairs of CK socks D) (calvin klien, not chris king ) (parents left the price on... all together they cost... £98... no joke
  21. lol, most people wouldnt even do that on a trials bike :o
  22. Look in rides section mate, all the UK's top riders are going....
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