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Everything posted by trialsguru

  1. it probably is for your lame dirt jump bike hahahaha get and ride trials you fagg
  2. haha comedy, the dog sulks off like nothing happens. that wheel was complete cheese!! must have been made of brie,, damn frenchies!
  3. nice vid dude, pissed myself when the kid falls into the water (6.51), if i was ali i wouldnt have been able to ride from laughing too much. keita is sexual!
  4. wicked vid! needs more judders and boon though! some mint lines though and such a high level of riding.
  5. ok so after deciding not to go to the comp because of the thunder storms the day turned out stupidly hot and i actually got sunburnt. how gutted am i!
  6. looks like i shall be there, aslong as i dont get lost haha
  7. yes exactly, whats the point of watching a sport when you know for a fact theyre all on performance enhancing drugs!
  8. im actually surprised his frame is painted! surely the paint weighs more that the bit of magnesium he has shaved off those pedals... oh dear i hope he doesnt read that.....
  9. found these links to pics on the otn forum. http://img3.tar.hu/bike3al/img/31091003.jpg#3 http://img3.tar.hu/bike3al/img/31090992.jpg#3 http://img3.tar.hu/bike3al/img/31090986.jpg#3 id love to know how long this stuff lasts him!
  10. stapping is kinda of slow and only in a couple of motions, basically you wave the remote and it staps. you cant go phsyco and wave the knife around. shooting is much more fun though! especially when their heads explode haha
  11. yes but probably not how you are thinking
  12. get in your car and drive somewhere else then! haha
  13. oh so that was the "secret" still why do you need the pads?
  14. rob do you know if ill have my licence for just that day or will it be for the rest of the year? if its for a year i might come and ride the other rounds to
  15. well i dont think ill be coming, £30 to ride is just too much for me.
  16. as i said before clemance...... sexy. see you soooooon
  17. its a fat boy slim song cant remember the name.
  18. scott has skinny lady legs,, they need protecting...
  19. if i knew how to get there id come lol
  20. is it just me or does the bash look wonky compared to the chain line?
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