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Everything posted by trialsguru

  1. hehe i feel bad i had one of the most fun and most productive rides ive ever had today,plus i cleaned all the sections i made uci which is novel for me (Y) sorry guys
  2. yer but its just a nice trial specfic tread pattern which is proven and work well, other maxxis tyres are fine but its nice to try new things,stops you from getting bored with your bike
  3. does anyone know if maxxis will release a 26" creepy crawler, i think it would be awesome, maxxis grip with a proven tread pattern
  4. i know what you mean about the lever, the blades feel uncomfy to me and i think the resivoir should be seated back a little to keep it out of the way from nasty stacks, im thinking about getting one of these brakes to, the power was awesome when i tried someones so more opinions required :(
  5. i wasnt thinking of running ffw, i was going to get tensiles with an 18t fixed cog
  6. im thinking about running 18-16/15 at the moment im running 20-17 do you think that seeing as im only losing a few teeth the loads involved will be similar?
  7. ok, when the whole 18t front cog thing came about people were saying that chain snappage would be increased, its been a little while now and lots of people are using them and i wanted to know if the chain snapping thing has happened, do chains break faster or is there no difference? cheers!
  8. i didnt think they did either but i was on chainreaction's website and they are listed on there (Y)
  9. hmm, interested in running discs but everything ive ever tried (apart from on mods) have been poo, i tried chris' from folkstone hope trial brake and the hold was amazing, has anyone thought about running 1 on the rear? if you have what was it like cheers!
  10. well im not surprised that the helmet was fine if he face planted, the helmet would'nt be anywhere near the crash
  11. Peter Link 54 Bramley Ave Faversham Kent (N)
  12. anyone using these pedals? what are they like, currently im running wellgo v8 copies but im after something a bit lighter and a little wider and these seem to fit the job. are they strong? and are they wider than v8's is it worth me spending £40 on them? cheers!
  13. cheers guys, but the pics dont seem to work, has anyone got any pics to show me exactly what to do thanks
  14. well my tpa has broken, can anyone tell me what the bodge was to fix it? cheers!
  15. banana yellow! i think thats gona be the colour my frame will go when i get bored of chocolate brown :D
  16. yer marc caisso is tiny and i think he was world champ a few year back and ashton and hawzie arent exactly tall
  17. yes you can get vee mounts, colours are red black and grey but if you ask nicely they can do other colours for a little bit more money as i did with mine, phone them or email and ask if you can go and test ride the bike :P more than worth while cheers!
  18. do you know when the carbon seat will be out? chris' dad said about it when i test rode the revell before i bought mine good choice of frame (Y) (hehe) had mine in november and im still well impressed with it i got mine in chocolate brown (Y)
  19. maybe its mostly natural then as when i used to run a disc sometimes my wheel would fall between rocks and hit my disc and caliper, owell my idea proved wrong lol nevermind
  20. just wondering why no one has ever made disc protectors like they have on motor trials bikes surely it wold make sense and stop people from bending discs? maybe they could be made out of plastic to keep cost down (as with every trials part its stupidly expensive) wish i was good at making stuff as id make them :">
  21. who did you email mate? i think ill try that cheers!
  22. anyone know if you can get hold of hebo stickers? cheers!
  23. are the fatty r forks still made? if they are where might i purchase some from? cheers!
  24. anyone wana ride herne bay tomorrow im thinking of going down there
  25. well its him riding the comp amazingly! lol if you have it that would be amazing
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