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Everything posted by trialsguru

  1. how much for it? is there anyway of fixing the axle?
  2. needs to be threaded for fixed wheel sorry
  3. what rear hub can i run on a 20" revell, it needs to have a disc mount cheers!
  4. well if anyones going to ride herne bay ill come down, need to get some practise in for the comp on sunday :lol:
  5. just cancel your order and go somewhere else
  6. yer ive been after a pair of the red and black monty's but nowhere has them
  7. hobnobs are the yik shoes exactly the same as the try-alls?
  8. has anyone used them though? if theyre like try-alls they might have the problem with the stiching like i had on my pair (Y) anyone know the price before i email select bikes?
  9. anyone riding in the week? ben?
  10. anyone bought those yik shoes? what are they like? who sells them and how much? looks like a might have to resort to these if i cant find a pair of the old red and black monty shoes
  11. why wont they work for me :blink: what do i need to open the file in?
  12. right im after a pair of the old style monty shoes (red/black), cleanbikes dont have any but does anyone know where i might be able to get some from?
  13. whats the difference between achne and a catholic preist achne waits until youre 13 to cum on your face
  14. mark, im just trying to prove a point that if 'popular' trials companies copy a frame, no one cares. but if a company that sells cheap verisons of the same frame, that from my understanding comes from the same factory but made from 'better' materials. people believe that the drop in price means a less'er quality, and the name doesn't uphold a certain status in the trials community. then they say its crap before its even been ridden. anyone remember a few years back, a certain company called 'zoo' were in the same position, cheap copies of top end frames at a good price 'cough boa cough lynx'. then the python and pitbull come out with cls and tunni riding for them, all of a sudden theyre poplular. maybe thats what onza need, a trials celebrity, was working with akkers and the t-raptor to a certain extent whoops bit of a rant sorry
  15. urm, zoo? hang on but didnt they copy a certain coustellier frame? which had similar looks to the ashton? oh good its all confusing but who cares? its just a bike frame p.s looks nice and shiney lol
  16. herne bay is ace, street and natural in the same place, me fred and dave ride there loads so if you want to ride were show you about
  17. looked like it was a good ride, wish i could have gone, i can name a couple of the riders, on the base is ron (darren hills), grey leeson is fred grillet, 24" leeson is dave urmston and on the levelboss is ben s
  18. trialsguru


    it doesnt take ages for carbs to digest at all, it depends what carbs youve eaten to determine how long itll take to digest, theres simple and complex carbs and even then things like pasta will only take about 3hrs to digest
  19. tah cheers for that guys, im not keen on the 5.10's look too much like climbing shoes (no surprise really) how far up does the ankle support on the duallys go? does it restrict you at all? most importantly do they look daft with shorts? lol cheers!
  20. is anyone using the 661 dually shoes or any other hi top shoes ( not trials shoes, i know they work great but all the ones out now look pants and my try-all's fell apart) basically my ankles arent too happy at the mo and im thinking hi top skate shoes might do the trick, ive seen the 661's but just wanted to know if anyones had experience with them or a similar shoe? cheers!
  21. ok cool cheers for that, why would you suggest discs over vee's? is there that much of a difference? ali, you said youve knocked the dial off the avid before? was that fixable or did you have to buy a new brake? cheers! pete
  22. hmm ok thanks, i ride a lot of natural and really dont want my front brake fading at all! how easy is it to break the avid? is it going to fall apart after 1 hit?
  23. argh thanks for the help guys but im still none the wiser, seems like discs are very tempramental (sp) is there really that much more advantage over my vee to make it worth my while buy 1? thanks again pete
  24. im looking to buy a disc brake as my vee, although it works great its either on or off and makes some deafening noises lol. ive narrow it down to hope trial 160mm or 180mm and the avid mechanical 185mm, whats the good and bad points about these 3? do any of them fade in performance and also where can you get replacement pads for the avid? cheers!
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