mark, im just trying to prove a point that if 'popular' trials companies copy a frame, no one cares. but if a company that sells cheap verisons of the same frame, that from my understanding comes from the same factory but made from 'better' materials. people believe that the drop in price means a less'er quality, and the name doesn't uphold a certain status in the trials community. then they say its crap before its even been ridden.
anyone remember a few years back, a certain company called 'zoo' were in the same position, cheap copies of top end frames at a good price 'cough boa cough lynx'. then the python and pitbull come out with cls and tunni riding for them, all of a sudden theyre poplular.
maybe thats what onza need, a trials celebrity, was working with akkers and the t-raptor to a certain extent
whoops bit of a rant sorry