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  • Real Name
    thomas cooper
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    koxx level boss, echo urbans, front and back mags koxx tryall back wheel

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  • Location
    clacton on sea Essex

tomo's Achievements

Trials Monkey

Trials Monkey (2/9)



  1. Wicked vid, enjoyed it a lot nice one , liked the song aswell who's it by?
  2. tomo

    Dan Wheeler

    nice vid dan your getting a bit good now keep it up mate
  3. tomo

    New James B Video!

    Amazing vid loved every minute of it good job, more please
  4. tomo

    Natural Vid

    shit hot riding mate, i realy enjoyed the vid there was some nice lines in there and i thought the music went nicely with the vid. also whats the song called?
  5. tomo

    Xtp 20" 2007

    oh my god amazing riding and the bike is not bad either, although i think it would look better in all black or silver
  6. hey man i'm from clacton to. I haven't seen you around though,add me to your msn tommo_cooper@hotmail.com and will go riding some time. im tom with the level boss buy the way
  7. I think the best thing to eat before you go riding. Is paster and tuna,with a nice tomato source. butt Also take a banana and plenty of water with you.
  8. I would have to say go for the Adamant A1, i know its £50 moor than the A2 butt you get a much nicer finished frame than the A2. It also feels so nice on the back wheel and it is pretty strong. Butt of course it is down to preferences and i would strongly recommend going on some rides and trying out as many different frames as you can.
  9. I would have to say chris akrigg for just shear riding ability and skill on a bike
  10. Right i bought a fresh tensioner the other week, and stuck it one my bike. But know when i pedal it feels like im in a stiffer gear, but im still in gear 4. Im not shure if it is because it does not use a spring loaded system like my old surly one did. if any one could help me with this problem it would be much appreciated Thanks tomo
  11. i onley manage to ride about 5 hours a week at the moment,mainly because of work and college it would also help if i had people to ride with down my area
  12. That is a sweet ride mate, im loveing the frame and the gold wheel just topes it off nicely.
  13. I dont think any ride would be complete with out LESS THAN JAKE-ALL MY BEST FRIENDS ARE METAL HEADS.What a tune
  14. I would have to say Akkers for just sheer originality, and emens bike skills, enough said
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