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Onza Kieron

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Everything posted by Onza Kieron

  1. These are mine and before you all sayin uuurrrrggghhhhhhh! its a special mixture to glue them and i am one of the only people that use standard maggie pads(heatsink on its way) and i find them fine. I used 4 phillips screws and grinded them down to size(im too lazy for hacksaw), banged the screws in and glued eveything together :huh: I'll get back soo to say how it works and also i'm using these pads on the rear :( ..with lots of tar :) :unsure: Kieron :lol:
  2. Im pleased the front of my bike doesnt look like that :unsure: No just joking thats a really good example, a picture can say 1 thousand words. Yes Hope C2 aer very good, just make sure you know what your doing, i bled my mates with water and they still havent fecked up after 11 months :) I guess im just lucky. Kieron :(
  3. The foam pit is now...removed and replaced by ....nothing, just a blank space :- Kieron :-
  4. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/One-Off-Trials-Bike-...1QQcmdZViewItem I found that and thought wtf. Its apparently a trials bike :) which made me scratch my head. Im sure someone will have a clue about this. Kieron :)
  5. Is this "Newcastle under lyme" the same newcastle i know near Durham, Chester and gateshed because if so i would defo come ride and enter comps and i have bout 5 mates that would do the same. :) Kieron :)
  6. Ah ok thanks for the replies without getting angry :) Ill give this a blast tomorro. :P Kieron :D
  7. Yeh then put a cassette spacer on?
  8. Sorry but i have no idea where you mean. Do you mean if I was to take the cassette clickey bit offand the pawls would come out put it on there against the bearings then put the block back on?Sorry im a bit slow, im tired.
  9. But where lol do you have msn(kieronbaister@hotmail.com) if not cud u just bang a lil piccy up because i dont know where you mean on the freehub,do you mean behind the cassette? :D
  10. Do you mean on the end of the axel? :">
  11. My mate has been lending me a Hope Bulb on the rear and it scares me. You can only run the QR very loose or it seems to jam the freehub n stop it from freewheeling. Also the bit where the cassette slides on just pulls off without much effort resulting in fast travelling pawls :D Anyway,any help appreciated, Kieron :P
  12. Ok im now not sure whether im getting this wheel as the guy is fecking me around alot :P but if i do then we'll talk buisiness (sp?) LEON :D Kieron :)
  13. Is it difficult to build wheels radially compared to 3x. I guess it is but just to check.
  14. OK, im planning on sending the wheel to Hope but I was wondering, how much effort is it to fit pawls and springs, is it worth doing it myself and what tools do I need? Cheers again, Kieron (Y)
  15. Sorry im going on a bit now but whats hope's address and how much is it for postage? Cheers alot,Kieron :huh:
  16. It says Hope pawls but i also need the springs so does anybody know where I can get them or if anybody has any i can pay a small amount for? :huh:
  17. I'm getting a Hope XC Ti and it need three pawls and three springs,the problem is i dont know where or how to get them. I've heard that Hope will replace them for free if I send the hub to them, is this true and if so when will I recieve it back because im going on a riding holiday next friday. Kieron, :) P.S I did try the search and i didnt find anything helpful. :huh:
  18. If your on a budget then truvative husselfelts would be a good buy. Kieron (Y)
  19. OK cheers alot i dont need a pad bodge cos i can get my pistons to go 30mm apart and the rim is 28mm so that rounds up perfect (Y) Cheers everyone, Kieron (Y) (can now be shut)
  20. Also when i was looking for info on the rim i found this http://www.mavic.com/servlet/srt/mavic/vtt...uct.id=90&lg=uk It looks a harmful way to gring your rims (Y) Kieron (Y) also i would like to know how wide the rim is still.
  21. :"> Could i have all please as i would like to choose the one i prefer and how wide are D521's please? Kieron (Y) (Y)
  22. Please could someone post a pic of the bodge as the ones in F.A.Qs are no longer working. Cheers Kieron (Y)
  23. Just im getting a xc on D521 for (Y) £25 yes im not saying where but im well chuffed and i want to run it as soon as possible as im switching for a deore :"> (i know i know) so anyway i guess ill find out so cheers anyway ill let you know. Kieron (Y)
  24. Well...Grips!!!! We all use them and love em but also in my opinion flat,wide bars were defo the way forward (Y) Also short cage mechs. Kieron (Y)
  25. If you still cant get it off then do what richie said then put it on the floor and stamp on it. Works everytime when its stamped on the correct side (Y) . Kieron (Y)
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