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Onza Kieron

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Everything posted by Onza Kieron

  1. Haha, coley won't wear a helmet, he's the fashion man, he barely rides anymore. Was a good days riding, Partz, you should come ride Durham just to do that drop haha.
  2. Haha, sounds fun, it seems the place that law fogot, i hope to make my way there some time in life.
  3. Try getting some thinish wire(thicker that fuse wire though but not much) and wrapping it round your grips at each end then tightening it by twisting it, holds fairly good if you don't want to be spraying stuff around.
  4. You just made me have to modify that post a little bit, it was perfect, you don't mix ''drop some lube in the slit'' and ''goin round my GF's house'' in the same sentence (No nastyness intended)
  5. Looks to me like the BB has tiny wear-out-fast bearings, unless there are some in the middle of the body too, which i doubt.
  6. If anybody has any videofootage of the ride please add me on msn and send me it kieronbaister@hotmail.com
  7. I'll be there with a few people and Martyns actually riding!!!! anyway, should be good, hopefully more of you people that were at the newcastle ride will turn up.... And BUMP! Kieron
  8. I'll upload pics of it, if people wanted i could piece a small shitty vid together of few things, mainly at the beginin of the day as my camera slowly died towards the end.
  9. Could we all post up what bike we were riding so I could get an idea of who is who, I was on the Polished T-Rex with the red front rim and long pace forks.
  10. I'll see what I can find, i have loads of videos so i could piece some more triple pic things together, i don't know bout this montage thing though...
  11. In my opinion try that^^^, it may ruin the threads.....but you cant use your frame otherwise, £45 if the threads do get ruined, do you want to risk it?
  12. Yes he really did go back to that that other rail again!! Good days riding, everyone enjoyed themselves
  13. Newcastle upon Tyne, i'll be there with afew mates, where we meeting, sorry i could'nt be assed to read through 7 pages to find out, and at what time? Kieron
  14. Dude, gimme the address now! ive bummed my mounts too, it would be muchos appreciated.
  15. Best off pourin boiling water over them and cleaning them with a clean cloth Then pouring clean water over it whilst riding down a hill dragging the brake hard enough to keep a constant speed. Kieron
  16. I prefer pen and paper, I'll see what I can come up with.
  17. Sorry this is random and not any help at all, but I just noticed this guy has the same name as me haha, first person in trials i know that does, well done mate lol. On a more serious matter... Did you buy the bike second hand, which the model name suggests....03 and you have just got it. keep everything tight and buy a KMC chain, your problems will be gone. About the Clamp, is it your bikes fault you lost it lol, no i thought not Kieron
  18. Greenday live, either buy the new album(Bullet in a Bible) or download illegally, which i don't recommend. I just love Greenday and I love liveness so its the best thing sinced sliced bread i think. Kieron
  19. Haha, I was wondering why your brake levers were the wrong way around. Yeah your bike will just constantly die until you stop riding, it's trials, get used to it.
  20. Listen to this man, he knows whats what Ye, me and Jay both want stuff anodizing colours, where is the best these days for quality and cheapness, also we're situated in the North East so driving to London Is'nt really an option.
  21. Yep you can use biro springs but they're only £3 to replace.
  22. A link to their website or something like that, sounding good, what other tools will I need that arent included, I have all drills and basic things but no specialist tools for the Job E.G taps, cutting fluid... Thanks alot, Kieron
  23. You need the TPA part of Edd Potts, I've been meaning to get one from him as I have now killed four magura levers and getting abit sick, to be honest i wish I had stuck with the 04 maggies. But anyhoo you need the part from Edd Potts, it's £3 and looks fly too, PM him on here, Dave85. Kieron
  24. I have stripped the brake mount thread on my T-Rex, what can I do? Helicoil it? Where from? Anybody good on here do it for cheap? Any cheap kits around? You get the idea that I am worried and i can't ride until it's fixed. Kieron
  25. Real nice that, best i've seen of moto trials.
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