Hey, well I'm currently attending 6thform and doign 3 As levels, Graphics, Maths and Physics because my ideal goal is arcitecture. I got a B at GCSE for maths but that's because I pissed around way too much. I got 2 C's at GCSE for Science but my chemistry and Biology pulled that down. Basically without sounding too big headed i'm reasonably clever but I'm really struggling at A Level with some of my Maths and some of my Physics. I was just curious if anyone has took Maths or Physics at A Level and what they thought of it as i've only done 2 weeks so far but i'm currently in the position of not understanding the homework and really struggling with the classwork. Does anyone have any advice that they think would be useful for me? I would appreciate anything people have to say. Thanks.
Hey, does anyone know of a site where I can top up from Paypal, a mate wants to know. He's tried mobtoponline.com which worked 2 weeks ago but doesn't work now. Anyone know of anything?
Its not that Nitromorse isn't strong enough, its just different stuff for a different purpose, as caustic soda won't remove paint but yeh, all else he said was true.
One literally killed me, but yeh, I rate them, nice hubs, can't see why they need more maintainence that XC's or the like but yeh, don't worry unless loads goes wrong.
You've paid your hard earned for that wheel and its not as described, say to him either "I want a full refund covering Paypal Fees" or "I want paying for all the parts that are damaged or else your getting a dirty negative feedback" or the pussy option of leaving positive feedback and spending millions on new bits.