Pads: Toxsin pads (pink) Time used: 1 day (8 hours) Rim used: Koxx Tryall rear Grind: Yes, quite dead though Brake used: Magura hs33 05 with standard Lever except for Edd Potts TPA (4 bolt mounts) What is your opinion of a working brake: Locks without fail when i pull on the brake, No modulation. How do they compare to previous pads you have used: good hold, a very squeky noise draggiong them but on trials, a car horn!! Review: Feel great, I fitted them and for bout 5 mins of trials I was very worried, then I went to meet a mate which meant riding down a hil, dragged it, and it slow changed to a Honking noise and then the wheel locked Sweet, I was sooo pleased, Ain't let me down since, I will re-edit with more depth when I have used then more.