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Onza Kieron

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Everything posted by Onza Kieron

  1. Readthe spec, apparently the rear tyre is 5.0 wide. Wish I had one for my car.
  2. I'm sure this hub you have "lying" around wont be as good as the Hope, dont bother changing, im sure you can't tell that much. And if you can your a gimp and a pretty big one at that And if the hub is better than the Hope I suggest either DX32/Planet X BMF/X-LITE PHATSO or Undrilled Ronnie. They are both strong enough..
  3. Read the F***in guidelines, it has them at the top of every page!
  4. Hold the grinder at a steeper angle.
  5. The underlined parts are the problems mate.
  6. Buy new Hub, the next axle won't last 2 minutes either, IF you find a new axle.
  7. Try a tadd of copper grease behind each pad, works on cars and on my old m4
  8. 38mm i believe, go see what the width is like with a ruler with your slaves fully in.
  9. He speaks the truth, I did this on my bike and it worked and I didnt have to change it until my pedal threads went. Great idea, unlike locktiting the bolt in as if your tapers are too shagged then the arm still wobbles, maybe this methoed teamed up with the locktight method will be good.
  10. Looking good, I guess it was my mate asking about it, i tried for him but tends to kink easy with no hose clamps..
  11. That is the best drawn wheel I have ever seen on here, it's perfect, its round and even the spokes are built three cross. Pity you didnt put nipples on.
  12. Just incase he needed it, I dont know anyone running a deemax on a trials bike so...
  13. Well the main fact is, it's not legal and it isnt a petty crime, it is classes as joyriding an unroadworthy vehicle, cops catch you, your screwed, probably a criminal record (if you dont already have one), fine and banned from driving legaly on roads for several years when you get the chance. The best idea is not to risk your or someone elses life, if you continue i do hope you get a severe accident because your risking all other road users with the same risk. CLOSE TOPIC
  14. Sunn Doublewide rim, smooth currently but will grind if needed. DeeMax very old rim, I doubt anyone's gunna use it for trials but hey, I have a spare, could be grinded. Let me know if either are any use, I dont mind sending afew quid your way as I understand what your doing is very expensive.
  15. I know what you mean and it does sound like the kind of thing I would do but don't do it, it's unsafe, illeagl and very dangerous, you could hit anything really, im guessing it doesnt have rear view mirror's so you could slam on the brakes to have something up your arse....
  16. mole grips? Pliers? Drill? Hacksaw a groove in the top and use screwdriver? Heat up? Lots of suggestions, go try them...
  17. Well its like that on a mod and makes no difference...
  18. Lies! Lies! Get a piccy with your name on a piece of paper next to it or a short vid or some proof other then a keyboard. then i'll believe you.
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