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Onza Kieron

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Everything posted by Onza Kieron

  1. Forks are Pace, I have some Ashton forks for £10 readily available so may give them a bash when I get cash. EDIT: Better pics tomorrow me thinks.
  2. Tis nearly finished, i'm just after a higher stem and a new rear tyre with some tread on, what you think, constructive critism please.... thanks
  3. Onza Kieron


    Pedals are Odyssey Big in the BMX world, £35ish new I believe, the mag ones, I THINK Not to great grip from my experience.
  4. Look cool but will they be praactiacal, maybe the black will be sooper sticky compound.
  5. Are you all stupid? it's obviously gunna be strongish looking at the gussets, also I know it's steel so there again, strong, just not too suitable for trials, if you like the look, get it for DJ or to look oldschool trials.
  6. Damn fine wall you go there Dan, i'll edit when the rain stops with a piccy of my well sexy wall.
  7. No proper tools needed, just a screwdriver and hammer, you hammer the lockring anti clockwise I think, someone will back me up on this. It's the ring on the inner side of the freewheel with the 2 notches out, use 1 to put a screwdriver in and hammer it, thus turning it.
  8. So just a frame getting coated ik will be loooking at around £15ish hopefully, the old paint is already removed.
  9. Ok, I've had abit to drink so my typos ain t perfect but roughly holw much should i be lokking at to egt my frame powdercoated?? i just want a rough amopunt to line up to wen i call around tomorro? cherrs all, nite
  10. How Ef'in unhelpful are you... Do the clean water trick, don't touch the pads/rotor and don't take it off or anything, just leave it and drag it anywhere you go, have faith.
  11. Looks sweet, Tarty sells stickers too for £11.99 I believe, or £12.99. Looks good though
  12. True, they're turd, if it must be between the two then choose rimjam.
  13. That's very very helpful, cheers. Can be closed now I guess.
  14. I would say very tops of £45, I kept my eyes peeled and picked one up off here fore £25.
  15. True, I just checked, I was not aware of saying this, I may give the guy a partial refund, also kudos to you for checking lol, cheers everybody. I have just rechecked and the reason I was saying good condition was because the buyer had said that: "I am disappointed with the condition as it is not good condition it has paint chips on the right chainstay cos of the chain"
  16. I sold an item around 2 months ago to the said member and he mention around a week after purchase the item was apparently not as described, which it most definatly was, he has not mentioned anything more about this after I refused a refund due to lack of a good reason, I have just signed in on my paypal account to see that he is applying for a refund through paypal, I am stuck for what to do as I A).Do not have the money to give the refund .There is not true reason to get a refund Any help appreciated. I sent that to ebay, just gotta wait for a reply. I stated the frame as good condition, not excellent or flawless so surely afew small chips in that area are expected? anyway, we'll see what Ebay says
  17. Not really an option as I don't have the money, looks like it will be an email to ebay...
  18. I have just opened my Palpal account to find an issue has been opened over an item I have sold on ebay, I sold a GT Chucker frame for £31 inc postage, stating it as good condition, the seller gets it, fast delivery etc etc and decides it is in bad condition because it has chain slap, so he has opened an issue thingy on paypal attempting to claim back his money. Not amused, what can I do because this frame was in good condition with only a tiny bit of chain slap? thanks, kieron
  19. What he said^^ and the fact, you are putting the right side of it in the right side of the frame.
  20. What!! I would feel like I was downgrading for doing that.
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