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Onza Kieron

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Everything posted by Onza Kieron

  1. Will this actually happen? i'll be expecting a topic with pictures etc in soon.
  2. Hot, I demand you hit, imediatly
  3. Wasn't bad, what forks did they have? they looked like Pace.
  4. Link to both, the silent clutch and the Novatech please, I'm interwsted in both?
  5. Hahahahahaha, you god, that means taking the lower crown race off and everything, you obv have no respect, I like. Big well done.
  6. Looks so sexy that front end, I doubt it would feel nice (to me) but looks Fin nice. Well done ditching the Base.
  7. Looks nice, I like the custom rims. Nice one, also, are the rims silver or white, if they're white then good on you lol
  8. Looks gorgeous, more pics with you on it, I wanna see yo' ass.
  9. NO! Don't I have snapped 2 pairs now, they're full on shite, maybe not the new ones but the ones with 24 and 26 mounts are pure turd.
  10. I can see some guy went out the house, forgot his keys so put the wheel in the skip thinking noone would steal it then ran in to get keys, when he returns, the wheel is gone.... Ebay it.
  11. Are they actually just as strong? is this proven? I'm not sure, although I do need a new chain soon so..
  12. I agree and I think that brakes, bb's and hubs need improvement, also chains lol, theres too much fear on the edge of a drop/gap currently.
  13. Ok I tried that F2 thingy and it opened a special thingy but I was then lost, could someone write me a guide or link me to one please? I'm not great with computers
  14. I clicked :$ Now my computer starts up but no icons appear and i can't click on start or anything, any suggestions or is it a shop jobbie? replies as soon as possible please as im at school on their computer and I need to know for when I go home, thanks
  15. I live in Durham too, more in Durham than Brett, never seen you ever. Whack me a PM if you wanna ride sometime or add me kieronbaister@hotmail.com
  16. Because maybe he likes working brakes without constantly replacing soft pads or grinding his rim?
  17. Onza Kieron


    Da Font Have a mooch on there.
  18. Sounds a plan, think i've booked one for saturday night so we shall see, some admirers are her best friends though and they wont get up to anything while im with her, sheeeesh, so much complication.
  19. OK, lets go.....again.... Goin out with my GF that I went out with for like 8 months, we split for like 1 or 2 and are back together, it's a good relationship we have and all that and i Have whatever on Tap basically...anyway. I don't know why but I just get depressed sometimes and wish I wasn't going out with her, as in depressed because of her, not because of something else. I don't know whether to stay with her and see what happens or to flee, she'll be upset if I flee but afterall, it's better than hanging around when I don't want to. I have several admirers following me so I don't know what to do, help me.....please.
  20. Well then wheres the problem, don't pork her, f**k it if she likes you and you don't like her, tis all about the porking these days I gather so if you don't wanna do that then do nothing.
  21. You tit, please don't say your telling to truth? Oh dear.
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