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Onza Kieron

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Everything posted by Onza Kieron

  1. You can't use a Bfr BB with FF unless you grind it all down
  2. Green day and Promoe, 2 very different types of music, I love both. EDIT: Yes, Rise against are cool too
  3. I have one, it's great, not extra powerful but its handy for lil jobs and its very safe to use, i would be too scared with gas, anyway, theyre decent yeh, go for it, ebay for 50 ish second hand.
  4. Hahaha, I never noticed it was just toiletries, I spend NOWT
  5. Check out his sig and be inspired, he has the nicest Base I have ever seen, gof or the Base or a 24..
  6. Contra Cycles and basically do the same job as Fresh Products/Heatsink and all the other smaller rider owned companys. Doubt it will happen but we all have dreams.
  7. Get a grind and Heatsink Snowys...
  8. There you have it, just use either 4 or 5.1, It's not all that expensive..
  9. Well, I defo wouldn't use dot 3 as it says not to, use either dot 4 or dot 5.1, but don't mix them or something bad happens I seem to remember. But yeh, either will do fine.
  10. You do appear to be a cool lass though, I wish mine was into bike to the point of fixing them lol, good on you
  11. Hahaha, that chart guidde, I would fairly challenge myself to get it to the "Stripped" part without actually stripping or snapping anything.
  12. Hahaha, I bet your good in bed too "I just surf T-F while she works away..It's great" More seriously, It WILL work with a 127.5 BB as there is currently nothing out longer than this so it must... Good luck, and Prawn, Get out that seat and help her! I'm sure she'll repay you.
  13. I'm 99% sure I have one, ifso then it's yours for £5? which side was it your after again, the one with the two holes the same size or the one with one smaller than the other?
  14. Ermmm, they do have cones, the silcer things near the ens of the axles, withthe teeny allen key screw in.
  15. They will do you a new one for about £20, thats what they have done with me when I have sent them shagged hubs.
  16. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Mine stays either in the shed, under lock and gaurd dog or in the house, It wouldn't get pinched anyway but I won't take the risk.
  17. i THINK you just hit the axle with a hammer, the hub is otherwise f**ked anyway so you may aswell give it a try. Remember to take the cones off first though
  18. Bottom right picture will answer your question. Looks a shit design to mount it by though.
  19. That will work perfect and with a tool as bulky as that, I can't see any point in buying a Park tools/White Industries and theres no warrenty problems of using incorrect tools so yeh, it will be fine.
  20. WHY ISNT KIERON ON THERE, plus I think Martyn is a good name for a kid... No help I know but theres my opinions. (I suppose Kieron Kelly would be abit gay)
  21. 0% I make loads of posts and I never get ''useless'' you must try pretty hard to be unhelpful lol.
  22. Yeh, I have one on my bike, not sure why you would want to know though
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