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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. Zona's are nice long. They have the best geo' ever. in my opinion.
  2. Any of these frames long? - By that I mean Zona Zip long? Had enough of new frames being 'long' at 1020...
  3. Nah he wasn't, because he stripped the frame down and had it silver for a while, then he covered it in paint... Right, so next time I want my bike all colourful, i'll just get it powdercoated? Actually, my mate works in the spray part of the local Ford garage, and he sprayed his downhill bike, and ended up with a really nice job. He used etch primer too... Might just give him some money to spray it for me.. Cheers for all the help!
  4. Yeah, well the first I sprayed it (Blue...) I spent 3 nights doing it. One for primer, left it inside to dry, another for the proper coats, left inside to dry, then another night of lacquer, left inside to dry. My mate who always sprays his BMX just grabs a can and blasts over the frame/whetever else he's spraying, and his always stays on for ages, just usual scratches. You could rub your fingernail on mine and the paint would chip off.
  5. First time I sprayed it I sanded it all down, so it was ncie and rough, then cleaned it all up etc. Second time I sanded it a little then just started spraying...
  6. I really like the Ice and the Limey mod, but not they colours they're in. Hint of greeny sorta colour with white..? I'm really liking this one - Click (won't let me post the image?) What model is this? Looks like a reeaaallyyy low Zona.
  7. I have a Zona Zip frame, and both times I've sprayed it, the paint just chips off so easily. First time I did it all properly; stripped the paint, primered it, then used up 2 cans for the paint, then lots of lacquer, and it still chipped. Then the second time I used white Hammerite, and that just chipped off. Was thinking of spraying it again, but if it's just going to chip off again then I won't bother... Why won't the paint stay on?
  8. That stem looks way too low! Especially as you're fairly tall? Try getting a proper mod stem on it, instead of that stock stem you've wacked on there... Bike looks alright though!
  9. Benches are for sitting on, not for riding on. They came along and sat on them. Seems fair enough to me? Old people are crazy. If they start moaning, just apologise and go. Best thing to do really...
  10. We usually park at the back of Halfords down Botley road, then just ride to the train station/wherever everyone is.If you want to pay, then there's parking at the train station... Don't think me and Rich will be coming.. he has gladular fever... EDIT: It's Botley Halfords, not Cowley...
  11. Didn't really work for me. Kept freezing at different points, the song played through fine (unfortunately )
  12. Dan6061


    I wondered where the one next to our pond had got to...
  13. I'm not impressed Jon.. epic fail.
  14. I'm sure your advise for a 2year old topic will be very handy for the topic starter...
  15. Yeah, I'm lucky enough to have the older Zoo bars too. They're so nice! Wonder if Deng will catch on to the 'everything must be light!' trend... And Ti parts, and Magnesium Alloy shiz..
  16. You shouldn't have to prove it to be honest. 'The customer is always right...' and all that bollocks... Anyway, it works both ways. They can't prove that it was broken before they worked on it...
  17. I wish he made his frames with Magura AND disc mounts, instead of one or the other...
  18. Danny speaketh the truth! I've had my KH on my Profile for ages now. Built it myself, proper tight tension too, and it's been fine. Not buckles, no flat spots, no dents or cracks. Nothing! Anyway, My Profile has been amazing really. Broken the bearings a few times, and they're about £15 to replace unless you go to Profile directly, or a specific trials shop.. But yeah, only ever skipped when all the bearings were mashed.. and even then it wasn't that bad.
  19. By the looks of the pictures, the got the freewheel apart, then used a hammer + screwdriver to try and knock the innercore round to loosen it. Obviously failing/raping it at one point, so they tried another, until it worked. A freewheel wouldn't do that much damage to itself. Especially as the innercore is a much harder meal compared to the other internals, as it needs to be strongest, doesn't it?
  20. Anti-persperant deodrant worked for me once. Oven cleaner will do it too...
  21. I just wear whatever tee's on top of the pile of washing.
  22. Like this Jon? - http://www.minortriad.com/wheel.html Googled '3X Wheel lacing patterns'
  23. Technically, if it broke when he was working in it, then he broke it. That's how I look at it anyway. Have you spoken to the manager, or even the guy that did the work on it? Find out exactly what he did when removing it, and go from there. Regarding Muel's post about claiming because you couldn't ride... - Claim what? He didn't lose anything because of it, apart from not being able to ride a bike. If he had a competition or demo, or something, then fair enough...
  24. My bodged-up Vee brake adapters play up a bit. They bend outwards (need a booster...) and the bolt holding the Vee mount comes loose from time to time.. Apart from that, and my brakes needing new pads, my bike works fine. Well..chain snapped a lot a while ago, but I replaced it with a new-un.
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