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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. I'd just buy Tarty. Go there, buy the place, build up a nice bike, then ride their warehouse! Sorted.
  2. Dan6061

    Tomm's New Video

    Haha, awesome. I didn't bother trying to watch all of it. Saw a black screen, and went to bed.
  3. Dan6061

    Tomm's New Video

    Did you just record break squeaks, then edit them in? Or just take the sound from another video? Either way...
  4. Spray the forks the same colour as the front end of the frame, and that'd be perfect! Slag.
  5. Dan6061

    Stolen Bike

    if his dad is a cop, just get him to go to the house with you to get it back?
  6. It won't last. Looks nice though.
  7. Was borrowing Rich's bike as I broke mine, so I got a shot of it: It rides so nice, apart from the spinny gearing - 20-19 I think!?
  8. Prawn wasn't it? Last years, and the year before's rides were amazing. Definately going to the Abingdon one this year!
  9. Dan6061

    Tomm's New Video

    Youtube Tomm? Please?
  10. Dan6061

    Tomm's New Video

    I downloaded it and it was still black.
  11. Dan6061

    Tomm's New Video

    Same as everyone else.
  12. Should be at the bus station for 12-1ish... Anyone wanna come?
  13. Yeah, was the old Team stem. (Looks like the new one, different geo) Now I've got a Monty PR stem on there, just to see what a lower front end's like.
  14. I do spins and a few bunnyhops, and manuels on my Zona, which is kinda the same? Got a lower stem on it now, so I might not be able to now...
  15. Dan6061


    Computer clocks change autromatically... don't they?
  16. We pretty much always have a laugh when we're out riding. Coming up with stupid lines, taking the piss out of eachother, changing bars and stems around (had bmx ones on my Zona. ) All good fun.
  17. This the same one? - http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/TRIALS-BIKE-24-FRAME...1QQcmdZViewItem Seller: g81f_v26
  18. Didn't think of that... I was just looking for a new stem, and thought 'This'd be so much easier if Mod bits were seperate'
  19. Some chunkier forks, Echo Urbans? Would finish that off nicely. Other then that, I really like it!
  20. I know this'd be a pain in the arse to do, but in Classifieds, could the For Sale, and Wanted sections then be split into Mod, Stock, 24", other?
  21. Ah sweet, I suck at sidehops then.. compared to the majority. Cheers Danny.
  22. Few of us riding Oxford next Sunday. My mate Jimi will be on his bmx again, so come along if you ride bmx too! We had a good ride last time, despite the weather constantly changing... Anyone up for it?
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