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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. Too true. Aw. He's grown up so fast! He's still 12 too.
  2. Dan6061

    Beau GU Clips!

    I usually love loud hubs.. but that sounds... not right? Mint riding though!
  3. Don't do first diploma media... it sucks. I think I've wasted a year...again.
  4. Looks nice Danny. Nice one. How long until it's done then?
  5. Just sounds like you've still got air in the system... Take it all apart, and give it all a good clean. There's I Wiki article (I wrote) explaining how to clean up the Magura cylinder pistons, try doing all that too. Once you're happy with it all being clean, give it all a good bleed, and try again?
  6. Brake slipping on gaps. Rails. - Trying to gap them, wheel too far back, so when you kick you just fly straight up in the air... And gapping to them and landing slightly too far forwards. Chain snaps. Hub skips. - Not that mine ever does really, but still...
  7. 7th. 3rd is an english exam, 4th is my birthday, and 5th is another english exam. Can't wait for this though.
  8. Failthread. I think what everyone else has said. (IN)
  9. Doesn't actually look that bad now.
  10. In YOUR opinion, yeah. You can't really moan when people go against that? But anyway, I really like that! Now go scratch it.
  11. My phone's always on silent.
  12. I've got a Monty PR stem on my Zona now, and I love it! Felt weird at first, as I went from the old geo Team stem, but now i'm used to it it's well nice. It's personal preference though, I like my Team stem, but my Monty stem feels way nice for sidehops, and generally on the backwheel. S'only £15 too.
  13. Think it's a personal best? Soft grass, up to a weird wall (curved at the top.) Did it first time, and held it. Twice/2.
  14. Monty PR one? I have one on my Zona, I love it! Had an old Echo Team stem for 2years, so I fancied a change. Feels prefect for sidehops, and I can still manuel my bike fine, and bunnyhops... Low stems suit long mods so much!
  15. It clamps onto the forks, and holds the bars in place.. So i'd say it's pretty good? "Is it good?" is a really bad question for something like this really, good for what? Football? What bike's it for? (Zona?)
  16. 9t bmx ones are probably a fixed driver though, so the cog is part of the driver. Guessing it'd be the same for the roadies too?
  17. Guessing it'd all be video content that'd be voted? Not the super-duper mad editing skills some people have... ...please?
  18. Oh, the rotor is on the wrong way. The arms should be facing outwards.
  19. We have the same rotor. That makes me like your bike more.
  20. Got my bash on the right way now (I'm a lefty) Was tired when I put it on... Front brake doesn't really work at all.. And the back one needs new pads..
  21. Pink wheels... just... no. haha. My Team stem would be mint on that.
  22. BUMP New pictures in first post!
  23. Dan6061


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