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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. Maybe the one in the window was hard to see? As long as you haven't got any points aswell as the fine, just pay up and sort it out.
  2. Dan6061

    Zona Zips

    Muel, stop being a weight fag. The head angle is 72, and wheelbase is 1040 (I think that's what mine is?) I dunno... I just ride it. Get one though, they're seriously good!
  3. I have no GCSEs, well none above D, and i'm at college studying media, but it sucks. Once that's over I want a full time job in the local Evans. Will be full time for a while, until something else comes along. Worked in Halfords for 2 years, and it was pretty good... then I left. haha. Just go for it Glen, a lot of people have made a decent living with no qualifications.
  4. I used to just strip my bike down, and rebuild it. Making sure it all all perfectly smooth running etc. Now I just can't be bothered.
  5. Calm down. I thought you were on about those annoying sites where a million boxes come up, and it takes ages to get rid of them. Best you do a spyware scan, sounds like your computer's infected.
  6. I use a spanner than just fits the steerur tube, then hit it with a hammer.
  7. Or if you want to tell the truth, it opens the 'Over-Bleeding' topic.
  8. I'd never had thought that clip would make it in a film! haha. It was funny when some chavs at college were playing it... Think they said you'd died too. £7k though... get a mint bike for that!
  9. Got addicted to it after playing it at my mates house, on Xbox. Want it.
  10. You make the unicycling look so easy! I had a go on my mates a while back.. couldn't stay on it. :$
  11. 1. Sam Jones 2. Danny Kearns 3. Max Hunt 4. Ryan Iley 5. Joe Bayliss 6. Daniel Gunston 7. Carl Stanton 8. Tom Munday 9. Tom Webb 10. George Fathers 11. Nick Goddard 12. Sam Wheeler 13. Chris Mason 14. Allen 'Boumsong' Watson 15. David Biddle 16. Andy B 17. Chris Elson 18. Dan Brooker 19. Dan Steele 20. Ross Gardener 21. Jack Meek 22. Mike Winton (probably!) 23. Dan O'Shea. 24. Rich Jones. Signed for Rich too, as we'd both definately come!
  12. Maybe he clicked 'New topic' instead of 'Post reply' ? Either way, I made no sense of it.
  13. Dan6061


    Got an email from them, they kept my account.
  14. 40s first go. Bored of it now. One of the bombs was pretty close, but it wouldn't have hit me.. and I died.
  15. Back to the original post: Nice gap. Far better than I could do, ah well. Anyway, Does it really matter who's better at what? Stop bitching and go ride.
  16. Despite this being an old thread now, I still hadn't forgot about it. Hope you're okay about it now George, and that this bump hasn't brought up bad thoughts about it, etc.
  17. That sucks. He must've been in a really bad state. People need to realise that you don't just get over stuff like that with a click of the fingers...
  18. My tyres are just worn out and bald. Still grip okay though... win?
  19. That's sad how people complained about a ride set up in memorial for someone who used to live near them... Having it at the school would be good though. It's only down the road.
  20. Dan6061


    News ENG thing, and now we're doing some horror film bollocks. I want to leave college and just start full time work somewhere..
  21. Dan6061


    Hahaha...brilliant. I'm doing Media, first diploma... it sucks. Don't do it.
  22. I've ran my Profile dry pretty much since I've had it. Maybe a slight dab of grease on the springs now and then, but it's been fine. Don't even think about trying the stretch the springs in ProII's, as you're just ruin them. Clean it all up, give it some good lubing (not grease) and it should be good.
  23. Yeah Grant, bike looks sweet. Rides very nicely too! Will have to ride MK again soon, when I have my Magura sorted.
  24. Spokes would still creak wether it's tru or not. Checked that al the spokes are tight? - If you squeeze them, do they move at all? I have my spokes so they don't move at all. Probably not good for the wheel, but it's strong, and I've never had mojor problems with it.
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