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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. Had an awesome day. Only stayed in Abingdon for a few hours, had a chat with some people... then my mates wanted to go into Oxford for some riding. Plan was to come back to the DJ ride for a bit near the end... but we didn't. Wishing I got some pictures when I was there... Haven't even touched my camera today!
  2. Dan6061

    Partz Back Home

    I hate you for having all that to ride where you live. All I have is curbs... Awesome video though. That gap was huge!
  3. Keeping the tradition of Onza's websites?
  4. Technically it was yesterday now... Cheers though!
  5. Is everything cheap out there? or is it the same as the UK, just everyone's rich over there?
  6. Anyone else get that the first time they clicked it? Will edit once watched...
  7. Why would you carry spare frames for people? I can't really see a rider snapping their frame, then sit there with bike bits scattered about whilst they build their new bike up. Plus, some spots are in city centres, tucked away through alleys etc. Pretty hard to get a van through to some places... And I'd just call you a stalker.
  8. You threw your phone at your Mac? Bit silly wasn't it... Got a local Apple store? I'd take it to one and see what they can do...
  9. Very colourful! I like that. How's the rear BB7 so far?
  10. Lets hope the weathers kind again this year! Raining atm.
  11. I clicked on the can and dragged it over a bit. Seemed to work?
  12. I had a V on the back for a while, and to be honest, it was a pain in the ass. Tyre clearence was fine with the adapters I made, but they had to sit slightly higher than the Heatsink ones. I started breaking springs, and the plates the springs sit in for adjustment. Had to have the wheel sat right at the end of the dropouts so it just about cleared the cable between caliper arms. Just about got by, and my tyre was enar enough slic! Soon enough went back to a Magura, and i'm happy with it now. Feels nicer, needs a lot less fiddling.
  13. Just thought, i'd be 18 at the DJ ride this year... Shame i'm way too skint to go out anyway.
  14. It annoys me when all I buy is a sandwich and the checkout people put it in a bag straight away. I mean, I managed to pick it up, carry it to the queue, wait for 10mins holding it, and then put it on the desk. You'd probably think I could manage taking it outside to eat it? Bit more to add... If people start using their own bags instead of the plastic ones, then there'd be a lot of plastic ones left over. Which'd soon stop them being made, as there's still loads in shops, etc? Mum uses her own bags, because they're bigger and a bit stronger... and she gets more clubcard points.
  15. Whatever tickles your nipple... My mate said that the other day, and i've been waiting to use it since...
  16. I was going to get my Zona done in this colour, but then went for the blue. Looks really nice though! Fressshhhh.
  17. You have no idea how much I want one of these.
  18. I fail my own thread. Off to bed. Might be riding somewhere good tomorrow, so I need sleep.
  19. Nice thread Danny. I'm decorating my room soon... Painting all the walls white, then having one bright green one. Then I wanted to see how much it'd cost to get some of my shots printed either on paper, or canvas.
  20. Bmxers just do it because of the side they grind on. Best to have the drive on the opposite side to which you grind on. My mate's just switched to LHD, so he shouldn't be snapping any more chains!
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