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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. Dan6061


    He thinks the picture (sky mainly?) looks cool. So he thought he'd show us.
  2. Not exactly a 'Trials Video' is it?
  3. You'll never be able to please everyone with a website. Even on here about this site, i've seen a few people complaining about the colour scheme. I'd think about the main audience. To me, Onza seem to aim a beginner riders, which are usually fairly young. Why not have a section for that, with the new bikes etc, with all the flash and fancy bits so it's more appealing. Then for the Pro series stuff, forget about all the flash, etc, and just focus on information. Most of us on here now know what we're on about when it comes to our bikes, and you obviously know you're stuff too. So show it, give us details on the frames, geometries, etc. I can't see beginner riders looking at the Pro series just yet, so the details don't have to be brief. Obviously keep news, team riders etc. We like to know what's going on! That's all I can think of for now...
  4. Dan6061


    He said it looks THE tits... not LIKE tits.
  5. Danny's a loving fellow really.
  6. Oi. Quit your bitching. I want to see the one clip of trials and not some old guy moaning about something (I didn't listen...)
  7. Anyone else just get an old man talking about mines or something?
  8. Anyone for GTA4? Dan6061 on live.
  9. Much better than the other design! Found my way around it easily.
  10. http://www.theflatearthsociety.org/forum/ Haven't been on there in ages! Had some fun winding the 'flat-earthers' up on there!
  11. Anyone up for a T-F crop circle?
  12. You've ruined it. If the only white on it was the rims, and maybe bars..then i'd love it!
  13. Steve, are those the forks you bought off a guy called Rich ages ago? Suprised they're still going if they are the ones i'm thinking of!
  14. I actually made a popular thread for once!...don't ruin it.
  15. For the record...I didn't actually put the '2am rule' on here... I think OBM did.
  16. I once dreamt that I woke up, went to the shop and bought loads of nice food, then went back to sleep. Woke up wondering where all the food was.
  17. I finished college then got a job. Hello 48hr weeks.
  18. I wish there was some natural round where I live... Well, and street, for that matter.
  19. COD4's getting too addictive... I'm getting better at it now though!
  20. Dan6061


    Make sure you get a picture. ...with a sock.
  21. Dan6061


    Shame they've got ginger in them. Our ginger cat as a right b*****d.
  22. Bump. Just sorted live out. Only games I have are GTA:IV and COD4. Borrowing Forza2 off a mate thought... Gamertag: Dan6061
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