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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. You fail LNT. Anyway, towel suits...
  2. I don't. Needs some colour! Oh, and 1010wb is way short!
  3. They fall under the same catagory on the website, yes, but they come in many different lengths depending on the hub and rim ERD. Obviously the spokes from your 20" wheel would be too long for a 19" rim, as the rim is smaller. Ring Tartybikes, tell them your hub and rim, and they'll sort the length out for you!
  4. I thought he was younger! :$
  5. I don't have any petrol in it... so you won't get far!
  6. Tomm, giving the people what they want. It was your idea anyway!
  7. Consider it done. - http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....howtopic=128025
  8. 3 Car keys: Ignition, doors, petrol cap. Immobiliser fob. House front door key, and a DVS keyring to seperate them. Makes it easier to find my house key. What you got?
  9. I did think that while posting my picture actually! Figured it wouldn't last long though...
  10. You have loads of keys! I only have this many: 3 for the car plus immobiliser, and one for the house. Complete with one keyring to seperate them. I might get a Trialtech one at some point, looks kinda cool.
  11. Buy an external one? Plugs into the USB, simple.
  12. I'm going to bed now anyway! Remember everyone, it all started here:
  13. I literally just said that to Grant on MSN. Grant's gone to bed, Ben left a while ago.
  14. Ah, this could work. Still, do it now.
  15. She mustn't know about the towel suit. It'll be out secret. Although keep the pictures on their computer! Trust me, it'll be hilarious when they find them.
  16. Plan! Fold up the towels, somehow tie them to your feet for some super padding, tread carefully up the sides of the stairs, and you should be alright. Keep in mind: If 23 loud phonecalls didn't wake anyone up, creaky stairs won't do much...Especially with towel padded feet!
  17. Yeah ok, desperate times... Towel Suit. Do it.
  18. You sure there's only 5 tea towels? What about hand towels from the bathroom? Although then we're back to the creaky stairs disease again...
  19. Yeah, me too... Tris, you can't dress up in the tea towels when they're awake! Hurry up and just do it now!
  20. Tris, i'm sorry, but we don't want to rent your penis. All we want is for you make a suit, with a hat, out of tea towels, and post up a picture. It's not a lot to ask really...
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