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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. Reckon the new dashboard will be available at 12am? I'm bored and wanna fiddle about on it...
  2. Yeah, the land of nod! I've heard good things about it...
  3. Here I am again... Not for long though!
  4. I wanted to be asleep 3 hours ago. Need to be awake earlyish incase they pick my car up early... They're taking it away to look at the damage. Other than that, i'm good.
  5. Do you not sit with your bikes on the train then? I rarely use trains, but when I did I sat with my bike.. Keep an eye out in any Cash Converters, eBay etc. It'll turn up! Mine did soon enough when it got stolen.
  6. That was awesome! V8 blender was a brilliant idea! Although not the most practical... That Renault sounded quite nice in the end too!
  7. Dan6061


    Tried it on Firefox? Using IE could be your problem...
  8. Anything good on? I might retire from LNT for tonight/this morning...
  9. Siiiiddeeehhooppsss! Impressive though! Better than what I could do...
  10. I think i've ruined my sleeping pattern. It's 2:50, and I'm not even sleepy. Feels like it's about 11pm too! Didn't get to sleep until 5am yesterday, and didn't wake up until 1pm... I might sort it out soon, I miss seeing proper mornings!
  11. Too true. I got really frustrated when I built my first wheel, becuase I was following a 3X guide, for a 4X wheel, so it ended up completely wrong! Once I figured it out it was pretty easy though. Only bit you really have to think about is getting the valve in the right place! I've built my backwheel 3 times, front twice, my mate's rear mod one once, and another mate's rear stock wheel once. Stock was the easiest, as you've got longer spokes to bend about into place.
  12. Where did Grant (Bob Fossill) go? Bloody lightweight!
  13. Charging up camera batteries because I'm going riding tomorrow, for once! Might get some footage aswell, just to make a little muck about video. Haven't been this excited to go riding in ages!
  14. I never really wear my helmet when I'm out riding, unless I try something new/big, that i'm not sure that i'll make. Although I don't really go big anymore, just ponce about doing small, techy stuff. I know I can fall off and hit my head etc, but it's my choice. I'm confident that I won't fall off, and if I do, helmet or not, I rarely hit my head. Call me stupid, I couldn't really care... Anyway, glad to hear that he's recovered so well! Hope he gets back to his usual self soon...
  15. Maybe he failed miserably and is too ashamed to come back?
  16. I just flicked a pingpong ball at the wall, and it hit me in the face.
  17. Save your money and try it yourself! There's a few websites which teach you the lacing pattern, Sheldon Brown wrote a good one, As well as OBM's Wiki on wheel building. Once you've got them laced right, it's just a case of making sure every spoke is tightened up evenly. Get that right and you'll have a perfectly round wheel. Give it a go! I've built quite a few wheels now, all seem to be good strong builds!
  18. Haha. Well, i'm glad? Bedtime. Seeya!
  19. Yeah, last night was epic. Probably one of those 'you had to be there' times, but still.
  20. Definately not, Tris isn't here to be a 'tard again.
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