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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. I might need to look for a car for under £100, just something to last until I finish sorting the Mini out! Where did Top Gear get their cheap £100 cars from? Especially Jeremy with the '£1' Volvo...
  2. I thought the Slim Jims were good pedals! They were grippy enough for me, pins did tend to dissapear quickly though, but you get spares with them. Plus you can just buy a load of grub screws from a bolt/bearing place for cheap. They look good too! Another downside is the bearings started to go after a good few months, maybe from big drops etc... Gave them to my bmxer mate and he finished them off! I've got some Primo Stricker pedals on now, unsealed magnesiums, and they're mint! Had them for months and only lost one pin! Link to my pedals - http://www.evanscycles.com/products/primo/...ampaign=froogle
  3. I never realised that chit-chat had to interest everyone. We'll have to start having sensible political debates now!
  4. 5 pages now. So you can moan even more! Let it die now?
  5. No, it's still illegal. You only get put in prison/get a fine for getting caught.
  6. Ah ffs. I'm notsupposed to be awake right now! Planned of going to sleep at 11!
  7. Aren't they the bike silhouettes from the 'Ridden' t-shirts? Is that allowed?
  8. I know, but I knew that anyway... you penis.
  9. I think I sorted it 'yeah but you had your heart set on Karl's so I had to let you go. ' She hasn't replied yet... win?
  10. Some girl from college just broke up with her bf, so I texted her just to see if she's ok. (i'm nice like that) And then she randomly tells me that she liked me in college. I didn't like her, not that way anyway, so I was just like 'Ha..erm..wow. thanks?' hahaha. Then she was like 'yeah you're quite welcome. was quite a while back but i never told you for some reason' so i just said 'haha, you're a knob. ' So then she says: 'yeah you well wanted by babies!' What the f**k do I say to that? Obviously I didn't, but hmm...think she's a mental one.
  11. True, but still. I wouldn't care if people knew about it, i'd just rather not have it all over the internet, where anyone could save my details. Anyway, i'm not one of them, so I don't care.
  12. Why can't you just look on the forum to find [whatever] out? Or is that not modern enough?
  13. Well I don't think many immigrants would be happy about it. Already heard news stories about people getting abuse etc. To be honest, i'd be pretty pissed if all of my contact details were on the internet. Especially something that I could get hatemail, etc for!
  14. Might be, I haven't counted it. I mean, I don't know...
  15. Ah true. Shame, I wanted to borrow some gamess off of my mate..
  16. Do you play it online though? Cos my mate was, and it was glitching so much! What's the deal with uploading it to the HDD, do you still need the disc then? If so, what's the point?
  17. It's all over the internet now, there's copies everywhere.
  18. Already talking about it in the other Xbox360 thread. First impressions were good. Looks cleaner, I found it easier to navigate, faster. Making your own avatar seems pointless, but fun! Stolen off the Wii. I like it.
  19. Just found out that a list of over 1200 BNP Members has been leaked on the internet. For those who don't know who BNP (British National Party), it's a 'white only' political party. - Wiki link - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_National_Party I tell no lies: http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2008/nov/19/bnp-list Bad news for the members:
  20. One of my friends installed GTA:IV to the harddrive, and was telling me that the roads and buildings kept disappearing and everything went grey. Typical GTA game glitches really..
  21. Just been playing about on it. I like it. Menu's like the PS3, making your own avatar is like the Wii. Haha! Oh, you can save games onto the hard drive now too!
  22. Ah right. I'll get it when I wake up then.
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