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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. Grant...GTFO. It's Devvo in his avatar you n00b!
  2. But what this is, is a wanted thread in NMC, which is not allowed.
  3. Do it! I love my one! They stay on the backwheel really well, feel nice for front wheel moves too - up to fronts, etc. If a long mod is what you're after, do it. Here's a picture of my one for some inspiration. :
  4. Kittens shouldn't really be allowed out anyway, because they're retarded and wander into the road...
  5. Isn't it supposed to be written how a kid would say it?
  6. So you've bought a rim, and want it built onto the hub? Best thing to do is to take it to a decent bike shop with a good wheel builder, as I'm guessing that you're fairly new to working on bikes, so building a new wheel wouldn't be the best place to start learning...
  7. If you're going to be poking it with screwdrivers and spanners, make sure all the tools are CLEAN, as you don't want to contaminate the pads/rotor with dirty, greasy tools. I thought Muel would mention that, being a disc bummer!
  8. I might come out if I can use mum's car. Probably wont ride much though...haha.
  9. Only one way to find out! Video or it didn't happen. Pictures just wouldn't cut it...
  10. I'd love to see that! I'm buying some lemons tomorrow... First cat that annoys me tomorrow gets juiced. Citrus style.
  11. Would rubbing the cat with a lemon not have the same affect?
  12. I have no idea what I want for christmas! I needed a new phone, so mum ordered one off the net for me, and said I can have that when it gets here as I need it now.. Other than that, all the funny little presents mum usually gets me will do. Money would be alright too, even though I don't need to buy anything now...everything for the Mini's sorted, bike's fine... Question: How many of you ask for bike parts for birthdays/christmas? I never have, seeing as it's my own hobby. Something that could get broken and abused... I wouldn't want my mum to spend £X amount on a bike part to see me going out bashing it on walls etc...
  13. I taped a small bit of foam grip to my old Echo lever, felt nice after that!
  14. £47 though! Spoken to Edd Potts on here? (dave85 I think?) He's brilliant at machining stuff, and I know he's made axles for the old Onza sealed hubs before...he might be able to do this too?
  15. Keep the piece on the left, and try to get the remains on the bolt out. Find a short M5 bolt (Magura bolt size?) and then cut a slot in the head, so the 'plate' part of the Magura lever fits into it. With that done, you can now screw the bolt back into the square nut thing, and build the lever up, without anyone knowing it's bodged! EDIT: Looks like there's enough bolt sticking out to grip it with some mole grips/pliers, and just twist it out.
  16. Alllll the time! haha. He attacks his tail too, but usually on the edge of fences/shelves etc... When he does manage to bite it, he runs away!
  17. All our cats have been treated the same... Tabby one's craves attention, and sits on your lap gently clawing you, tabby and white one's always ran away from everything...always done it. When she does actually come up to you, she doesn't shut up and nuts you! And the ginger one's just a nutter!
  18. Seriously though, if you do get one, make sure it's a ginger one! They're more fun. Our ginger cat is around 10 now? And he's mad! Always charging around the house, playing in boxes... all sorts. Every year at christmas when I go up into the loft to get the fake tree/etc down, he's usually first up the ladder and stays in the loft for hours! Also woke up one morning, went into the bathroom and he was asleep in the sink! Also used to sit in the bath for a bit... I'd turn the tap on to make him jump out, but he used to sit and watch the water creep up to his feet, then decide to get out.
  19. Stop argueing about golf, and continue with the funny stories!
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